Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Postgraduate internship, University of Warwick, 2020

Internship of PhD students (graduate students) at the University of Warwick from the Department of AEMS-ED, KPI

The letter of internship of PhD students (graduate students) to students of the department.

“We are graduate students of the 1st year of study, Anna Zemlyanukhina and Yevhen Nikonenko, we are currently in the UK on an internship from March 9, 2020. The internship is held under the Erasmus+ exchange program at the University of Warwick, Coventry (at the School of Engineering) for 4 months in the “Power and Control Systems Research Laboratory”. We are under the guidance of a graduate of our department, Dr Oleh Kiselychnyk who works at the School of Engineering.

Стажування PhD студентів каф. АЕМС-ЕП КПІ в University of Warwick

View of the airport in Birmingham

In terms of the cooperation with the University of Warwick, previously: a) two teachers presented our department on a joint conference [1] in the spring semester of 2019; then in the autumn semester: b) two students of the 5th and 6th year underwent a 4-month internship at the same faculty [2], [3]; c) a joint workshop was held [4]; and d) two teachers underwent a research internship in England [5].

The research topics include the study of control systems for hybrid energy storage systems based on batteries and supercapacitors for electric vehicles with interior permanent magnets synchronous motors, as well as the study of energy-efficient algorithms for controlling of turbines mechanisms for stabilizing the network performance.

There are some photos from the laboratory which include an installation with a synchronous motor; pneumatic generator; installation with a turbine mechanism.

We would also like to note that the campus is very beautiful, especially in spring when flowers and trees bloom. And there are several lakes on campus near which the birds the and other animals live.

Introduction of quarantine

During the first week of our internship, we had to go through the procedures of registration and initial acquaintance with the equipment of the laboratories of the faculty. We have also begun to get acquainted with the equipment on which further research will be conducted. Unfortunately, a pandemic has been declared in the world by this time. Therefore, around the beginning of the second week, a quarantine regime was introduced in England: first in educational institutions, and later throughout the country. Currently, all teachers and students work remotely: we also make research, but in simulation. It is also convenient that we have the opportunity to use the entire library of the university online.

The beginning of the application of quarantine coincided with the examination session at the University of Warwick, so teachers were forced to take exams remotely. This was followed by a month of vacation, which ended on April 19. The spring semester began next week, students continue to study remotely: in the learning management system Moodle, teachers have all the necessary materials for the disciplines; if necessary, remote web conferencing is conducted using such means of communication as Skype, Zoom, etc.

Despite the situation in the world, we do not lose our positive mood and are willing to work remotely for our health and safety. Of course, we hope that the quarantine will end soon and we will be able to return to the laboratory for experimental research.

Take care of yourself, do not get sick and do not lose your good mood.”

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As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


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Center for International Education