Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Committee of Europe Conference Horizon 2020

Committee of Europe Conference ‘Horizon 2020’ – Smart, green and integrated transport

Representative from Ukraine, Sergei Peresada, Head of the Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drive of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” took part in the 28th meeting of the Program Committee “Smart, green and integrated transport” in Brussels, Kingdom of Belgium, 27-29 January 2020.

The Meeting of the program committees was held to acquaint representatives of the European Union member states and countries associated with the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation “Horizon 2020” (hereinafter – the program “Horizon 2020”). Also the procedure for new competitions of the program “Horizon 2020” was accepted. Mainly, there were accepted: the procedure for selecting projects by competition, receiving requests for completed competitions, and news of areas in which program committees meet, providing important information for further use by countries to expand participation in Horizon 2020 and improving projects submitted to competitions.

Розумний, екологічно чистий та інтегрований транспорт каф. АЕМС-ЕП

Representative of the program committee “Smart, environmentally friendly and integrated transport” prof. S. Peresada took part in a meeting of the program committee, whose work was devoted to discussing a number of issues in the direction of its activities.

The following issues were covered during the meeting:
  • approval of the agenda of the current meeting;
  • discussion of the results of the previous meeting, which took place on October 22, 2020;
  • information from the chairman:
  1. Horizon Europe program, configuration, actions of the Committee;
  2. cluster 5 – state of formation;
  3. mission “Climate neutral and smart cities”;
  4. The European Green Deal program;
  5. changes in the work program for 2020;
  6. review of the results of the two-stage competition in 2019 and the one-stage competition in 2020 of the ‘Mobility for Growth’ program.

Conclusions and proposals based on the results of the meeting. Participation in the ‘Horizon 2020’ program and in the future ‘Horizon Europe’ is important for the integration of national science and industry into the European scientific and technical space. It provides new opportunities for Ukrainian researchers to carry out their research. It has been preliminary determined that the activities of the Smart, Environmentally Friendly and Integrated Transport Committee will be positioned in clusters: “4 – Digital, industry and space” and mainly “5 – Climate, energy and mobility”.

The ‘Horizon Europe’ strategy has the main ultimate goal that is Europeans must see the results of the program in all areas of life and their activities, so the benefits will be given to large integrated projects with a high level of TRL (technical level of readiness).

The participation of a representative from Ukraine in the meeting of the program committee allowed to obtain information that is provided only during the meeting and can be transmitted for processing and use in the work of National Contact Points of Horizon 2020 according to the rules of program committees.

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Center for International Education