Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Innovative 3D-construction project

Innovative project of mass construction on 3d printing technologies

The founder of the startup LineBar Konstantin Barashkin presented an innovative construction project using 3D printing technology. It is a patented construction technology. He invited students and graduates of our department to join the team of developers of mobile robots for construction of buildings.

The goal of LineBar is to automate the construction process for faster, stronger and cheaper construction of buildings of any shape, size and purpose using the 3D printing technologies. To achieve this goal, a high-tech method of 3D printing has been developed and patented.

Read more about the innovative mass construction project in the file.

A brief description of the state of development is given below.

At the moment, the technology is patented, 2 accelerators have been passed, investors have been searched, an agreement on the use of the technology by an international non-profit organization has been concluded, and many others. Currently, the process is in the process of developing a prototype at a scale of 1: 4.

At the first stage of work, it is planned to focus on low-rise buildings, such as residential, commercial or office buildings, the premium level, the highest quality and long service life will be guaranteed to our customers.

It is planned to complete the assembly of the prototype in the spring and summer, for this purpose a team of enthusiasts of developers of the 3D-printer positioning system.

Also, in the first stage, we will act as a subcontractor for the construction of the “box” of the building. Having gained experience in building construction with our technology, LineBar will enter the full-scale construction market, carrying out a full range of construction works.

LineBar also intends to address the global problem of lack of adequate living conditions by helping low-income families, displaced persons, and victims of natural disasters, by providing them with cheap and quality housing. Our technology is universal – the price depends on the printing material.

Construction of a 3D printer is just beginning to develop and there are several companies that are active in this field. Each of them has its own approach and modified technology.

Today, our direct competitors are 3D construction printing companies such as Apis-cor, Cybe and Icon. Also, indirect competitors are construction companies that conduct the construction process using standard and inefficient materials and construction methods, while having extensive experience and clientele.

Our 3D printing technology is more technological, faster and easier than competitors, so we will have a technological advantage. We will also be able to print multi-storage and large commercial / warehouse / residential and other facilities, which will undoubtedly bring printing technology to another, more global market.

Requirements for candidates:

  • Ability to program microcontrollers (Arduino and STM 32)
  • Understanding of C and Python programming languages
  • Knowledge of English Knowledge of English is welcome
  • Ability to learn quickly. Not knowing something is perfectly normal; the main thing is the ability to quickly find the answers!

Task: work in a friendly team on the positioning system of a 3D printer, which is made in the form of a manipulator, placed on a caterpillar. The main task facing the developers is to combine 12 stepper motors in one code and achieve accuracy in the positioning system (error about 1-3 mm).

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As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education