Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

BEST Point of View career event

About the organization and holding of a career event in the format of speed dating “BEST Point of View”

In order to strengthen career guidance work among student youth, to promote contacts between graduates and employers, to get acquainted with opportunities for professional development,


1. To spend, in Igor Sikorsky KPI, a career event in the format of speed dating “BEST Point of View” (hereinafter – the Event) from 16 to 19 March 2020.

2. To approve the composition of the organizing committee for the event (Appendix 1).

3. To approve the program of the Event (Annex 2).

4. Deans of faculties / directors of institutes and heads of structural subdivisions should promote student participation and provide assistance in organizing the event.

5. To hold the event in the Small Hall of the Central Committee of the Igor Sikorsky KPI (32 building).

6. Head of the Department of Employment Promotion and Professional Development – Career Development Center, Pozharskaya NM, – to coordinate the event.

7. To the head of department of technical means of training Lazarenko VV, to ensure the holding of the Event with the necessary technical equipment.

8. Director of NPO “KPI-Telecom” Ilyashenko AM, to provide wireless access to the Internet via wi-fi technology in the premises of the Small Hall of the CCM (building 32).

9. The director of the Training and Practical Center “KPI Media Laboratory”, to organize a photo shoot with further coverage of the event at the university.

More details – in the text of the order.

Also watch the Best news in the telegram channel:

BEST Point of View is a place where you meet successful companies, learn what they pay attention to when selecting employees and be able to ask questions to HR.

The project meetings will include:

16.03 – Data Science 17.03 – Software Development 18.03 – Hardware Engineering 19.03 – Marketing&Economics


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2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
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Center for International Education