Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Posts in category Study

British University through the eyes ours students

From the head of the department, Sc.D. prof. S. Peresada In accordance with the Erasmus+ program, students and teachers of the Department of automation of electromechanical systems and electric drives of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and automation completed a research internship at the University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom. In total, two master’s students […]

Protection of Dual Master’s Degree

At our department was online protection of the Master of Sciences Andrii Otroshko. The master’s dissertation A. Otroshko  was performed on the theme «Electromechanical systems based on Asynchronous Motors with inverter dead-time compensation». In his work, he proposed a method for assessing the negative impact of the phenomenon of  “dead-time” workability of which was confirmed by […]

Master’s degree defense after an internship in ...

At our department was online protection of the Master of Sciences Dmitriy Rodkin who performed the work on the topic “Adaptive Control of the Explicit-pole Permanent Magnets Synchronous Motors”. Part of the work devoted to the initial identification of its parameters was done during a research internship for 4 months (20.08.19-20.12.19) іn University of Warwick, […]

Innovative 3D-construction project

Innovative project of mass construction on 3d printing technologies The founder of the startup LineBar Konstantin Barashkin presented an innovative construction project using 3D printing technology. It is a patented construction technology. He invited students and graduates of our department to join the team of developers of mobile robots for construction of buildings. The goal […]

Masters of engineering graduation, winter 2019

Congrats to masters-graduates of winter 2019! We congratulate our masters who graduate in this year! Awarding diplomas to “I. Sikorsky KPI” graduates of the Electric Power Engineering and Automatics Faculty was held in the auditorium of the Academic Council of the 1st corps in January 24, 2019. These masters are the 4-th who graduate master […]

Study in THM

Навчання у THM 2019 р. Кафедра АЕМС-ЕП КПІ Сікорського

Training in THM  Since October 2019, students from the AEMS-ED department have been studying at THM (University of Applied Sciences of Mittelhessen). A brief report on the learning process is given below. Hi to all. We study at the department of automation of electromechanical systems and electric drive in the first year of scientific master’s […]

Cooperation with Warwick University

Cooperation program with Warwick The program of cooperation with the University of Warwick, Coventry (Faculty of Electrical Engineering) and the department of automation of electromechanical systems and electric drive has been in operation for 1 year. The program is aimed at scientific and educational cooperation to improve the quality of the preparation of master-students, PhD-students […]

Student training, Schneider Electric

Тренінг в Scheider Electric

Student training at Schneider Electric On November 18, another training was held at Scheider Electric. 5th year students and best 4th year students participated in a one-day seminar. The meeting is dedicated to getting acquainted with the company’s solutions in the field of industrial automation and EcoStruxure architecture. Event training photos at Schneider Electric 2019: […]

Starting a new internship at THM

Початок нового стажування у THM, кафедра АЕМС-ЕП КПІ

Starting a new internship at THM This year, four 5-year masters and 6-year masters have arrived to THM, University of Applied Sciences of Mittelhessen, Germany from our faculty. Four of them are students of AEMS-ED department, other are students of AE department. The start of a new internship at THM is on 07.10.2019, as this is […]

Internship in Warwick, 5-year m.stud.

Стажування в Університеті Ворика Олексія Зінченка АЕМС-ЕП

My name is Oleksii Zinchenko and I am 5-year student of ED-91mn group. At the beginning of study year, I went to the University of Warwick on the scientific internshipinternship according to the Erasmus+ program. The university is located in Coventry, UK, near the Birmingham. Just after my arrival I was impressed about how honestly people […]

Masters graduates, spring 2019

Вітаємо випускників наукових магістрів весни 2019 року! АЕМС-ЕП

Congrats to master graduates of spring 2019! We congratulate our scientific masters who graduate in this year! Awarding diplomas to “I. Sikorsky KPI” graduates of the Electric Power Engineering and Automatics Faculty was held in the auditorium of the Academic Council of the 1st corps in January 17, 2019. These masters are the first who graduate […]

Siemens day

День компанії Siemens на кафедрі АЕМС-ЕП КПІ Сікорського

Siemens day on AEMS-ED department The Siemens day was carried out, 17.04.2019 on our department. Specialists of Siemens Ukraine lecture the 5-th year students of automation of electromechanical systems and electric drives department. One of the lecturers was Oleksiy Melnyk, a our department graduate of 2017. He spoke about the high-voltage voltage converters production technology and […]


As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education