Contacts of the department are summarized in the table, address is 20-th building in Igor Sykorsky KPI.
Position | Initials | Room | Phone number | Facebook-сторінка |
Head of the department | Sergei Peresada | 419 | (044) 236-99-30 | |
Head of the laboratories | Oleksandr Goncharenko | 421 | (044) 204-83-56 | |
Deputy Head of the Department on methodological work (issues of organization of the educational process, curricula) | Sergii Buryan | 417 | (044) 204-83-56 | |
Deputy Head of the Department on research work (organization of research work of students) | Serhii Kovbasa | 425 | (044) 204-83-56 | |
Deputy Head of the Department on educational work (enrollment, expulsion and transfer of students) | Mykola Pushkar | 413 | (044) 204-83-56 | |
Educational and methodical office | Sergienko Irina | 405 | (044) 204-83-56 | |
Responsible for admission to the department (explanatory work, conducting excursions) | Korol Sergei | 417 | +380981708081 +380506599422 | |
Additional contacts for admission questions | - | - | (095) 070-20-75, (096) 417-55-14 e-mail: |
More contacts for admission – at the link.
Department of AEMS-ED FEA,
03056, Kyiv, Peremohy ave 37, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
num. (044) 204-83-56
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