Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Posts tagged мікроконтролери

Courses at the University of Rochester (New York, USA...

Courses at the University of Rochester (New York, USA) Starting this year, students of the department have a chance to take online courses at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY, for free. Undergraduate students who have successfully completed the Theory of Automatic Control courses (3rd and 4th year students), as well as master’s students, […]

Розвиток платформи малогабаритного електромобіля

Розвиток платформи малогабаритного електромобіля на кафедрі Студенти кафедри закінчили створення малогабаритної моделі електромобіля. В  рамках виконання магістерського проекту на матеріальній базі кафедри студенти зібрали і випробували повноцінний малогабаритний електромобіль. Метою його виготовлення було вирішення проблем, пов’язаних з експериментальним дослідженням електромеханічних систем електричних транспортних засобів., оскільки стаціонарні експериментальні установки не дають можливість дослідити всі можливі нюанси […]

Courses Embedded Systems – Shape The World

With the transition to distance learning in universities, the issue of conducting online learning on the Internet For students of our department, it is proposed to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills acquired during the study of the disciplines “fundamentals of microprocessor technology” and “digital signal processing” for the development of embedded systems, after completing […]

Students created an electric car platform

Студенти кафедри створили платформу електромобіля каф. АЕМС-ЕП

Students of the department created an electric car platform As an initiative work and as part of the qualification work, students of the department created a platform for a small-sized ultralight electric car. The platform is equipped with 20” bicycle wheels, hydraulic brakes and a DC motor.   The video shows the first Test, when […]

Doctoral dissertation of S. M. Kovbasa

Development of the theory of sensorless vector control of electromechanical systems with induction motors. Specialty 05.09.03 “ElectrotechnicalComplexes and Systems” The dissertation is a manuscript. The work was performed at the Department of automation of electromechanical systems and electric drive of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” of the Ministry of […]

Semester in Germany

Семестр навчання в Німеччині 2 студент кафедри АЕМС-ЕП КПІ Сікорського

Semester in Germany Hello. I am a 5th year student of the ‘EП-81мн’ group, Andriy Otroshko. During the winter semester, I studied at Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen under a double degree program. The training was conducted within the framework of the DAAD International Program on the basis of a new specialty in THM – Computer, Control […]


As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education