Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Courses at the University of Rochester (New York, USA)

Courses at the University of Rochester (New York, USA)

Starting this year, students of the department have a chance to take online courses at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY, for free.

Undergraduate students who have successfully completed the Theory of Automatic Control courses (3rd and 4th year students), as well as master’s students, can take the Mechatronics course, and master’s and PhD students can apply for the Optimal Control courses. Both disciplines are aimed at analyzing processes and controlling electromechanical systems of robots, robot manipulators, drones, quadcopters, airplanes, etc. All tasks are based on solving specific examples from industry. For modeling, MatLab Simulink is used, which is taught in several disciplines at the department.

Students can receive additional points, in particular, if they implement the developed optimal control systems on real boards, which include sensors, a controlling controller (microcontroller or FPGA), control devices, and a converter.

Upon successful completion of the final project, students receive an internationally recognized certificate of completion, which will be useful for future employment and can be credited as equivalent courses in control in our educational program.

This was made possible thanks to the initiative of a number of professors from Ukrainian universities, including Serhiy Lyashevsky, a former professor of our department and now a professor at RIT (information on our website, link to the RIT website).

The courses are conducted in English, and it is desirable to have a B2 English level.

Only students who are citizens of Ukraine are eligible to apply for the course.

In the spring semester of 2023, a graduate student of the department is already taking the Optimal Control course.

Brief description of the courses

EEEE-765 3
The course covers different optimization techniques, as applied to feedback control systems. The main emphasis will be on the design of optimal controllers for digital control systems. The major topics are: Different performance indices, formulation of optimization problem with equality constraints, Lagrange multipliers, Hamiltonian and solution of discrete optimization problem. Discrete Linear Quadratic Regulators (LQR), optimal and suboptimal feedback gains, Riccati equation and its solution, linear quadratic tracking problem. Dynamic Programming – Bellman’s principle of optimality – Optimal controllers for discrete and continuous systems – Systems with magnitude constraints on inputs and states. (Prerequisites: EEEE-661 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
EEEE-583               Mechatronics                    3 Credits
Fundamental principles of electromagnetic transducers are covered. Sensors and actuators are studied. Fundamental, applied and experimental studies and learning are focused on high-performance electromechanical motion devices, such as permanent-magnet DC, synchronous and stepper motors. Topics in power electronics and control of electromechanical systems are studied. High-performance MATLAB environment is used to simulate, analyze and control mechatronic systems. Applications of digital signal processors and microcontrollers in mechatronic systems are introduced. Case studies are covered.

An example of implementation of the developed control system in the laboratory

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As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education