Консультації щодо вступу на ФЕА. Консультаційно-інформаційний центр для абітурієнтів спеціальності 141 До уваги абітурієнтів! Консультації щодо вступу на ФЕА – з 2 липня 2018 року розпочав роботу єдиний в Україні консультаційно-інформаційний центр для абітурієнтів, які вступають на спеціальність 141 “Електроенергетика, електротехніка та електромеханіка”. Завдання консультаційного центру – допомогти, порадити, відповісти на прості, складні та всі інші […]
Posts in category News
Internship report
Hello, everyone! I’m 6-th-year student, M. Slyvkanych. This year, I took a 5-month internship at the University of Applied Sciences THM, Germany. The internship took place within the DAAD student program framework, during which I spent most of the time in the laboratory, developing a computer vision system for miniature electric vehicle detecting road markings. […]
Internship report
Hallo alle zusammen! I am a 6th-year master-student V. Varvolik, and I want to tell you a little about the scientific internship at Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM), which took place from 02.10.2017 to 28.02.2018 within the masters double diploma program framework. The university campus is located in three cities – Friedberg, Giessen and Wetzlar. Department […]
Victory in the student contest 2018
Once again our students distinguished themselves in competition in the field of knowledge ‘Electrical engineering and electromechanics’, which held for 23 years in the city Kamianske (formerly Dneprodzerzhinsk) of the Dnipro region. This year our department students managed to take 4 first and 2 second places. Partially, this is the result of fact that most […]
Schneider Electric Ukraine cooperatio...
AEMS-ED department with Schneider Electric Ukraine cooperation continues. Training on setting up automation systems basics with drives and graphical interface was held on 04.10.2018. The training was conducted by the technical support engineer EcoStruxure Machine Danilo Broh. During the seminar the students got acquainted with the elements setting up procedures of a distributed automation system […]
Smart Building exhibition visiting
Students have visited the Smart Building. The department 5th year students visited the exhibition ‘Smart Building’, which was held on 22-23 February 2018 in the KMDA. SMART BULDING is an international professional exhibition that demonstrates world and Ukrainian achievements in the field of intelligent systems and automation of commercial and residential real estate. The real […]
Carolo Cup. Design is completed
Carolo Cup. The stage of a robotic car model design is completed. Is scope of DAAD exchange program, Vasyl Varovolik and Mykyta Slyvkanych, who are student of the Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drive, have run the international training course in Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen – THM) since […]
D.Pushnitsyn internship at THM
Dmitry Pushnitsyn’s internship at THM, Friedberg campus, Germany. In December 2017 Pushnitsyn Dmytro, the PhD-student of the Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drive (AEMS-ED), has run training in Mittelhessen University of Applied Science (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen THM) in laboratory of “Electric Drive and Control Systems”. The internship goal include offline identification of […]
Partnership development with THM
Development of partnership with Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (Germany). The faculty of electric power engineering and automatics (FEA) of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute has cooperated for last few years with University Of Applied Science (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen – THM) in Germany. In October 2017, a workgroup of specialists of the departments of Automation of Electromechanical […]
Students from India are in practice
Students from India arrived to practice in AEMS-ED department, 2017 year The second group of 7 students from India took a course practice at the department. The practice was followed for students after the second year of the VISHWANIKETAN Institute. Schooling were conducted in English, among the teachers of our department there are those who reported and conducted […]
Cooperation with China of the AEMS-ED...
Cooperation with China of the AEMS-ED department of KPI Cooperation with China takes place within the framework of the program of cooperation of Ukraine with China, see the link for more details . The department was visited by a delegation from Ganzhou Technology Park (Guangzhou), China. of conferences , exhibitions and symposia have already been […]