Conferences, scientific seminars of AEMS-ED department
Plan of planned workshops and calendar of conferences for 2019
№ | Level | Name | Deadline for submission of works | Notice of recommendation and the deadline for registration | Date and venue | Status and links |
1 | Conference of Young Scientists | 16 International Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists "Electromechanical and Power Systems, Modeling and Optimization Methods" (ESMO 2019) | 15.03.2019 | 20.03.2019 / 01.04.2019 | April 11-12, 2019, Kremenchug. | Transactions are published |
2 | IEEE | 39th International сonference on Electronics and nanotechnology (ELNANO-2019) | 31.01.2019 | 28.02.2019 / 20.03.2019 | April 16-18, 2019, 'Sikorsky KPI' | |
3 | IEEE | 6th International conference on Energy smart systems (ESS-2019) | 31.01.2019 | 28.02.2019 / 20.03.2019 | April 17-19, 2019 Кyiv | Published in Scopus |
4 | IEEE | 2nd Ukraine conference on Electrical and computer engineering (UKRCON-2019) | 16.03.2019 | 15.04.2019 / 29.04.2019 | July 2–6, 2019 / Lviv | Publishing in IEEExplore and Scopus |
5 | Professional | 24 International scientific and technical conference "Problems of the automated electric drive. Theory and Practice "(PAEP-2019) | 01.06.2019 | 01.06.2019 | September 9-13, 2019, Odessa | Preparation to the conference |
6 | IEEE | 2nd International Conference on Modern electrical and enrgy system (MEES-2019) | 06.05.2019 (first) | 05.06.2019 / 19.08.2019 | September 23-25, 2019 Kremenchuk | Payment of participation |
7 | Conference of Young Scientists | 13th International Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Scientists, Postgraduates and Students "Modern Problems of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics" (SPEA 2019) | 09.12.2019 | 13.12.2019 | December 1~13, 2019, "Igor Sikorsky KPI" | Preparation to the conference |
Latest conference news.

Workshop in Warwick
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Workshop-seminar in THM
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IEEE 2-nd conference MEES’19
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In 2018, 4 diplomas of the 1st degree and 2 diplomas of the 2nd degree were received at the All-Ukrainian Student Research Contest of 2017/2018. From the branch “Electrical engineering and electromechanics” in the city of Kamensk (the old name is Dneprodzerzhinsk).