Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Group curators

Curators of groups of AEMS-ED department

Info about curators of groups of the department is summarized in the table.

Mentoring at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is one of the forms of participation of university academic staff in educational work with students. Mentoring is intended to provide comprehensive assistance to university students in adapting to new learning environments, raising their social awareness, and increasing their interest in gaining knowledge, professional and scientific work.

The curator of a study group may be a research and teaching staff member who is respected, has high moral qualities, possesses outstanding pedagogical skills and organizational abilities, and can provide a positive educational influence on students.

The procedure for the appointment, organization of work, reporting forms of the curator, as well as his/her additional duties and rights are determined by the Regulations on the curator at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, approved by the rector’s order.

Read more in the document “Temporary Regulations on the organization of the educational process in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” in the Documentation section.

Recent news from the training.

Тренінг в Scheider Electric

Student training, Schneider Electric

Student training at Schneider Electric On November 18, another training was held at Scheider Electric. 5th year students and best ...
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Початок нового стажування у THM, кафедра АЕМС-ЕП КПІ

Starting a new internship at THM

Starting a new internship at THM This year, four 5-year masters and 6-year masters have arrived to THM, University of ...
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Стажування в Університеті Ворика Олексія Зінченка АЕМС-ЕП

Internship in Warwick, 5-year m.stud.

My name is Oleksii Zinchenko and I am 5-year student of ED-91mn group. At the beginning of study year, I went ...
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Вітаємо випускників наукових магістрів весни 2019 року! АЕМС-ЕП

Masters graduates, spring 2019

Congrats to master graduates of spring 2019! We congratulate our scientific masters who graduate in this year! Awarding diplomas to ...
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/ Study, News, Students news
День компанії Siemens на кафедрі АЕМС-ЕП КПІ Сікорського

Siemens day

Siemens day on AEMS-ED department The Siemens day was carried out, 17.04.2019 on our department. Specialists of Siemens Ukraine lecture the ...
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Semester in Germany

Semester in Germany Hello everyone, my name is Khilko Nikita, I am a 5th year student and I want to ...
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As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education