Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Scientific conferences ELNANO and ESS’19

Scientific conferences ELNANO and ESS’19 and AEMS-ED department

This year, two popular IEEE conferences ELNANO and ESS’19 took place at one time, on April 16-18 and April 17-19, 2019.

As for our department, the scientific works were presented at both conferences. At the moment, works addition in the IEEExplore and Scopus electronic databases is carried out. After it the publications materials will be available on the site.

a) ELNANO (Electronics and Nanotechnology), section 3: Electronic systems


Відкриття конференції ELNANO

Конференції ELNANO та ESS'19 та кафедра АЕМС-ЕП КПІ

On the ElNano conference, next work was presented

     S. Peresada, Y. Nikonenko, S. Kovbasa, A. Kuznietsov and D. Pushnitsyn (Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Germany)
“Rapid prototyping station for batteries-supercapacitors hybrid energy storage systems”.

Unlike battery storage, a hybrid energy storage (based on rechargeable batteries and a supercapacitor unit) allows to improve the working conditions and extend the batteries lifetime.

The work describes in detail the principle of such systems creation and research based on the rapid prototyping station, developed at the department.

The post-graduate student Dmitry Pushnitsyn made a report.

b) ESS (Energy Smart Systems), section 3: Smart cities and buildings

Конференції ELNANO та ESS'19 та кафедра АЕМС-ЕП КПІ

On the ESS conference, the following works were presented:

     1. S. Peresada, M. Zhelinskyi, S. Kovbasa and S. Korol

“Indirect field oriented control of the saturated induction generators with linear PI regulators”

The work is devoted to the development of a method for setting up generation systems based on induction generators with PI-voltage controller and the study of machine magnetic system saturation influence on the control processes.

This work was presented at the plenary session. The report was made by the head of AEMS-ED department, Sc.D. prof. S. Peresada.

     2. S. Burian, M. Pechenic, M. Pushkar and L. Kazmina

“Investigation of energy characteristics of the electromechanical system in multi-motor conveyors under variation of traction load level on the belt”

     3. M. Ostroverkhov and V. Pyzhov

“Control of the electric drive with field regulated reluctance machine”

     4. S. Burian, M. Pechenic, M. Pushkar and A. Tytarenko

“Investigation of the pump unit control system with the neural network productivity estimator”

This work continues the cycle of research on the management of a pumping installation based on a neural network with a performance estimator. Potentially, such a control system can significantly increase the efficiency of the system in all operation modes.

     5. O. Tolochko, O. Burmelov and D. Kaluhin

“Comparison of SPMSM rotor speed estimation techniques based on the flux linkage evaluation”

Department graduate of 2019 Oleksiy Burmelev reported at the session of the section.

The ELNANO and ESS conferences are IEEE conferences, which are included in the Scopus database.

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on the budget: 130.


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