Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Graduates master-students 2018 spring

Congratulations to the graduates of 2018 spring!

Ceremonial presentation of diplomas to ‘Igor Sikorsky KPI’ master-graduates was held in the Academic Council hall. This year at the electromechanical systems automation and electric drive department 19 master-students, including 4 foreigners successfully defended.

Our graduates became the first in the department who received a new specialty, which was introduced in this academic year at the whole faculty, – ‘Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics’.

During the period of hard study, it is possible to distinguish some features:

  • Most of them have been trained at EATON in 2016 and Vasily Varvolik, Nikita Slivkanich, Andrey Randyuk, Oleg Dolganov, Alexey Abrosimov and Ivan Krivoshey continued to deepen their knowledge and skills in PLC and other devices of this company programming, thus in 2017 they received certificates from EATON;0101
  • being on 4th course Vasily Varvolik took 3rd place in the ІI final stage of the Ukrainian Olympiad in discipline ‘Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering’ in 2016;
  • being on 5th course, three masters became Ukrainian student scientific works competition prizewinners in the direction of ‘Electrical engineering and electromechanics’ in 2017, which traditionally takes place in the city of Kamenskoye (old Dneprodzerzhinsk) of the Dnieper region: Andrei Randyuk – 1st place, Igor Gerashchenko – 2nd place, Ivan Krivosheya– 2place;
  • – similar experience was repeated a year later: two of the abovementioned masters once again won prizes in the competition in 2018: Andrei Randyuk – 1st place, Igor Gerashchenko – 2nd place;
  • Vasily Varvolik and Nikita Slivkanich have undergone a scientific 5-month internship at the University of Applied Sciences of Hessen (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen – THM), city of Friedberg, Germany. The training was held from 02.10.2017 to 28.02.2018 within the master’s double degree program pilot project. In addition to studying the purpose of their residence in THM was an electric vehicle autonomous model with a computer vision development for participating in the ’Carolo Cup’ competitions .

During studying period, masters together with their scientific advisors took part in numerous scientific and technical conferences, developing the country’s scientific thought, among them: ‘Modern problems of electrical engineering and automation’ (Kyiv), ‘Electromechanical and power systems. Methods of modeling and optimization’ (Kremenchug), ‘Problems of automated electric drive’ (Kharkov), ‘Problems of modern electrical engineering’ (Kyiv) etc. The conferences works are published in collections of scientific papers and scientific journals.

Among the department graduates the best six received diplomas with honors. Graduates have received international diplomas recognized by employers all over the world, which gives them the opportunity to work in companies engaged in automation of electromechanical systems, industrial automation, integration of digital systems, adjustment of electric power installations, their programming etc. both in Ukraine and abroad.


Dean of our faculty A. Yandulsky, deputy dean associate professor P. Denisyuk, department head of AEMS-ED prof. S. Peresada and graduates curator associate professor S. Buryan personally congratulated graduates with the research engineer qualification on a new specialty receiving and wished future career achievements.

It should be noted that it was the last big scientific direction masters course, who studied for two years with an expanded program. The future graduates’ curricula already have limitations on the number of such ‘scientific masters’. It is only 10% of the previous masters’ recruits; while the remaining students will receive the title of ‘professional masters’ for a slightly shorter study period, about year and a half.

Summary table of graduates-masters of the 2018 spring and their advisors

Student Scientific advisors
1 Alexey Abrosimov * Assist. prof., Ph.D. Nikolay Pechenik
2 Ussama Benhamma Senior lecturer, Ph.D. Serhii Dymko
3 Evgeny Berezyuk Prof., Sc.D. Olga Tolochko
4 Vasily Varvolik * Prof., Sc.D. Sergei Peresada
5 Konstantin Gaidar Assist. prof., Ph.D. Sergii Korol
6 Igor Gerashchenko Assist. prof., Ph.D. Sergii Buryan
7 Oleg Dolganov * Assist. prof., Ph.D. Bogdan Pryymak
8 Evgeny Doroshenko Assist. prof., Ph.D. Vitalii Teriaiev
9 El Hamdaoui Muad Prof., Sc.D. Olga Tolochko
10 Andrey Ilkiv Assist. prof., Ph.D. Volodymyr Pyzhov
11 Ivan Krivosheya * Assist. prof., Ph.D. Sergii Korol
12 Gleb Kuznetsov Assist. prof., Ph.D. Serhii Kovbasa
13 Lozada Cheres Hector Fernando Assist. prof., Ph.D. Bogdan Pryymak
14 Vladislav Lukashuk Assist. prof., Ph.D. Nikolay Pechenik
15 Andrey Randyuk * Prof., Sc.D. Sergei Peresada
16 Nikita Slivkanich * Assist. prof., Ph.D. Serhii Kovbasa
17 Song Henghao Assist. prof., Ph.D. Vitalii Teriaiev
18 Sergey Terebiychuk Prof., Sc.D. Olga Tolochko
19 Bogdan Fomin Assist. prof., Ph.D. Sergii Buryan

* diploma with honors

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As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education