Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Партнер кафедри

Компанія Texas Instruments

Одним з партнерів нащої кафедри є компанія Texas Instruments, що спеціалізується на виготовленні та впровадженні зокрема керуючих контролерів на базі цифрових сигнальних процесорів (ЦСП), ARM-процесорів та багато ін.
На кафедрі широко використовуються мікроконтролери цієї компанії – є декілька дисциплін з лабораторними курсами щодо їх програмування, а також всі останні розробки кафедри спираються на їхнє застосування.

Далі наведено декілька основних пунктів щодо мети організації на напрямків розвитку. Детальніше.

Партнер кафедри АЕМС-ЕП - компанія Texas Instruments


We’re changing the world, one chip at a time. Our analog and embedded processing products power electronics across every industry and help to make the world smarter, safer, greener, healthier and more fun.


We know our customers depend on us to help them innovate and get to market first, so we drive toward flawless execution to get them the differentiated products, software and support they need, when they need them. We engage early with our customers and learn as much as we can about their needs so we can continually produce new, innovative technologies for their future applications.


One mind is powerful. A team of minds is limitless. With more than 30,000 TIers in more than 35 countries around the globe – each bringing a unique set of backgrounds, experiences, and ideas – our people are tackling problems and pushing boundaries to create innovative products that help to improve the world around us.

History of innovation

Over the last 85 years, we have re-engineered ourselves many times. Although today we are a global technology company, our spirit of innovation has been at the heart of who we are for decades, dating back to our founders and their vision for TI at its inception in 1930.

1950s of Texas Instruments

We officially become Texas Instruments Incorporated, entering the semiconductor industry by inventing the silicon transistor in 1954. In 1958, TIer Jack Kilby invents the integrated circuit, revolutionizing the semi- conductor industry and paving the way for all modern electronics.


TI acquires National Semiconductor in 2011, laying the groundwork for next-generation signal-processing technology.

We develop groundbreaking innovations across the company, including the industry’s first micro power boost charger for energy harvesting applications (the bq25504) and TI Education Technology’s first graphing calculator with full color, backlit displays (TI-NSpire CX (Cas) ) in 2011, the first Bluetooth low-energy kit with six sensors for fast mobile app development (the SimpleLink™ Bluetooth® low-energy SensorTag kit ) and DLP® evaluation module allowing developers to utilize DLP technology in industrial and medical markets in 2012 and the industry’s first inductance-to-digital converter (LDC1000) in 2013.


We’re a global Fortune 500 technology company with more than 30,000 employees, nearly 100,000 products and more than 40,000 patents to our name.


As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education