Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Posts in category Announcement

The additional test for masters entra...

The additional entrance exam for admission to the master’s program has been canceled! In connection with the amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” of December 18, 2019, and taking into account the epidemiological situation caused by the pandemic COVID-19, an additional entrance test for admission to the magistracy of Igor Sikorsky KPI […]

New dates of UEE and UPEE registratio...

Будьте обережні та здорові

Attention! New dates and UEE and UPEE registration procedure! Dear entrants to the master’s program, the dates of registration for passing the unified entrance exam (UEE) in a foreign language and the unified professional entrance exam (UPEE for entrants to the specialty 081 Law) have been postponed! New dates and UEE and UPEE registration procedure: […]

BEST Point of View career event

About the organization and holding of a career event in the format of speed dating “BEST Point of View” In order to strengthen career guidance work among student youth, to promote contacts between graduates and employers, to get acquainted with opportunities for professional development, I ORDER: 1. To spend, in Igor Sikorsky KPI, a career […]

The best students of 2019 fall

Congratulations to scholarship participants of winter 2020 We congratulate the scholarship holders of the 2019/2020 academic year of the Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drive! (on the results of the winter session). We also express our sincere gratitude to the pedagogical staff of the schools and colleges for the high level and […]

Rest area in the 20th building

Місце відпочинку 20-го корпусу ФЕА КПІ Сікорського

Rest area A unique rest place was opened in the 20th building. During July-September 2019, the Students’ Council of FEA was preparing a place to rest on the ground floor of our building. There you will find everything you need during the break: a microwave in which you can heat your food, kettle and tea, […]

Collaboration in Small Academy of Sci...

Запрошуємо вчителів фізики до співпраці у підготовці робіт до МАН

We invite physics teachers to cooperate in the Small Academy of Sciences work preparation! We offer physics teachers a joint guide to the preparation of research work for the Small Academy of Sciences with school students who plan to continue their studies at a university in a technical specialty. We can offer qualified executives with […]

Information for the 2019 entrant

Інформація абітурієнтові 2019 року каф. АЕМС-ЕП КПІ Сікорського

Information for the 2019 entrant 1. The procedure of settlement of students of the 1st year 1. For organized settlement, 1st year student is encouraged to arrive on the day indicated in the settlement call. The settlement is held from 27 to 30 August, if you do not have time to arrive on the day […]

Робота у Галант Пол электра

Запрошуються на роботу молоді спеціалісти! Запрошуються на роботу молоді спеціалісти інженери-електрики. Бажано мати мінімальний досвід роботи в продажах, є випробувальний термін з навчанням. Вакансія менеджеру з продажу. Опис вакансії. Торговій компанії Галант Пол з продажу електрообладнання європейських брендів потрібен менеджер з продажу. Вимоги до кандидата: Особисті якості: дисциплінованість, організованість, уважність, чесність, порядність, вміння працювати у команді. Режим роботи: п’ятиденний робочий […]

Consulting and information center

Консультаційно інформаційний центр вступ на кафедру АЕМС-ЕП

Consulting and information center for entrance on AEMS-ED department Hotline Phones +380981708081, +380506599422 (open daily until 7pm) Attention to applicants! Documents required for enrollment The Center starts its work on July 1, 2019. The only consulting center in Ukraine for entrants entering the specialty 141 “Electricity, electrical engineering and electromechanics” of the department of automation […]

Our faculty celebrates 100 years!

Faculty of electric power engineering and automatics turned celebrates 100 years old! Congratulations to the teachers, graduates and students of the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics on this outstanding date. On the occasion of the centenary, an evening celebration was held in the Central Committee of Ukraine. There were the dean of the […]

Preparatory courses

Підготовчі курси КПІ 2019 кафедра АЕМС-ЕП НТУУ ФЕА

National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” announces recruitment for the 2019 KPI Preparatory Courses for the 2018-2019 academic year to prepare for the 2019 EIT Forms of training Part-time (every Saturday from 1000 to 1645) – a form of distance learning that provides a flexible combination of full-time and part-time forms […]

Осінні канікули з ФЕА 2018

Осінні канікули з ФЕА Осінні канікули з факультетом електроенерготехніки та автоматики! ВСІ, ВСІ ВСІ, хто хоче провести канікули цікаво та з користю запрошуються відвідати наш факультет. Ми, викладачі, аспіранти та студенти ФЕА, впевнені, що найбільшими мрійниками є діти, а інженери – ті самі мрійники, які здатні мрії втілювати у життя. Щодня з 29 жовтня по […]


As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education