Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Conferences, scientific seminars of AEMS-ED department

Conferences, scientific seminars of AEMS-ED department

Plan of planned workshops and calendar of conferences for 2019

LevelNameDeadline for submission of worksNotice of recommendation
and the deadline for registration
Date and venueStatus and links
1Conference of Young Scientists16 International Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists "Electromechanical and Power Systems, Modeling and Optimization Methods" (ESMO 2019)15.03.201920.03.2019 / 01.04.2019April 11-12, 2019, Kremenchug.Transactions are published
2IEEE39th International сonference on Electronics and nanotechnology (ELNANO-2019)31.01.201928.02.2019 / 20.03.2019April 16-18, 2019, 'Sikorsky KPI'
3IEEE6th International conference on Energy smart systems (ESS-2019)31.01.201928.02.2019 / 20.03.2019April 17-19, 2019 КyivPublished in Scopus
4IEEE2nd Ukraine conference on Electrical and computer engineering (UKRCON-2019)16.03.2019 15.04.2019 / 29.04.2019July 2–6, 2019 / LvivPublishing in IEEExplore and Scopus
5Professional24 International scientific and technical conference "Problems of the automated electric drive. Theory and Practice "(PAEP-2019)01.06.201901.06.2019September 9-13, 2019, OdessaPreparation to the conference
6IEEE2nd International Conference on Modern electrical and enrgy system (MEES-2019)06.05.2019 (first)05.06.2019 / 19.08.2019September 23-25, 2019
Payment of participation
7Conference of Young Scientists13th International Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Scientists, Postgraduates and Students "Modern Problems of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics" (SPEA 2019)09.12.201913.12.2019December 1~13, 2019, "Igor Sikorsky KPI"Preparation to the conference

Latest conference news.

Workshop in Friedberg

Семінар у Фрідбергу за участю кафедри 2016 АЕМС-ЕП Семінар у Фрідбергу за участю кафедри 2016 АЕМС-ЕП. Фахівці кафедри д.т.н. проф. Пересада С. М. та ...
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Establishing foreign relations with THM

Establishing overseas relations of the Department of AEMS-ED with a university in Germany The head of the department “Automation of electromechanical systems and electric ...
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Конференція ПАЕП 2014. Кафедра АЕМС-ЕП НТУУ КПІ ФЕА

Конференція ПАЕП-2014

Конференція ПАЕП 2014 До уваги студентів, аспірантів та молодих науковців! Конференція ПАЕП 2014. (more…) ...
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In 2018, 4 diplomas of the 1st degree and 2 diplomas of the 2nd degree were received at the All-Ukrainian Student Research Contest of 2017/2018. From the branch “Electrical engineering and electromechanics” in the city of Kamensk (the old name  is Dneprodzerzhinsk).


As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education