Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

International academic mobility

International academic mobility

It is realized on grounds of cooperation agreements with foreign higher educational establishments or by personal initiative of the participants of mobility programs according to confirmed and approved individual academic plans.

It involves Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute students’ participation in the educational process in foreign higher educational establishments, studying or production practice, scientific research etc., which gives the possibility of credit transfer of studied academic disciplines, to obtain dual degree, etc.

Latest news about internatilnal mobility:

Стажування в Університеті THM

Стажування в Університеті THM Пушніцина Д. С. Стажування в Університеті THM Дмитра Пушніцин – відмінника навчання, студента 5-го курсу. Він пройшов конкурсний відбір на участь в програмі стажування з  Університетом Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen м. Гіссен, Німеччина.  В рамках культурної програми стажування Дмитро Пушніцин відвідав місто Вісбаден, Німеччина. В процесі стажування Дмитро ...
Тег «Далее»
Стажування в Politecnico di Milano Благодіра В. О. 2016

Cтажування у Politecnico di Milano

Стажування в Politecnico di Milano Благодіра В. О. (2016) Стажування в Politecnico di Milano Благодіра В. О., аспіранта кафедри АЕМС-ЕП.
Благодір Віталій Олегович протягом травня-липня 2016 року проходив стажування в університеті Politecnico di Milano, м. Мілан, Італія. Всі витрати на проживання та дорогу покриває стипендія за програмою Erasmus+, яка надана ...
Тег «Далее»

International scientific and technical activity

Faculty and students, including foreign students of the department, take active part in international scientific conferences and seminars.

Department members take part in international projects like ERASMUS, TEMPUS, DAAD aw well as are the members of the International Electrical and Electronic Engineer society (IEEE). The aim of their participation in international projects is to improve the quality of teaching, develop the conception of international higher education in Ukraine, determine general problems which limit students and teachers’ academic mobility, develop methodological recommendation for approaching the Ukrainian system of education to European standards.

TEMPUS “Expansion of Academic Mobility between the European Commonwealth and Ukraine” (UKRMOBIL). The purpose of the project is to develop the concept of internationalization of higher education in Ukraine, to identify common problems that limit the academic mobility of students and teachers, to develop methodological recommendations for the approximation of Ukraine’s education to European standards.


As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education