Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Department review

         The department trains Bachelors and Masters of full time, part time and accelerated education in “Electromechanical systems of automation, electric drive and electromobility” major – one of the most competitive majors among technical schools of Ukraine in the field of „Electric engineering, electromechanics and power engineering”. The training of professionals is based on computer technologies implementation in the field of cybernetic and regular electromechanical systems of automatic operation of machinery, facilities, processes (general items) and automatic electric drive. The department has obtained the highest ІV level of accreditation and carries out training of postgraduates in two majors.

   The major graduates are trained for design, research and operation of electromechanical systems of automation in different industrial sectors, transport, agriculture and other spheres of activity in the field of electromechanical systems of automation of general industrial mechanisms and electromechatronic systems of automation (systems based on electromechanic devices with computer control)

  Around 2/3 of the world produced electric energy is transferred by means of electromechanical systems of automation and electric drives into mechanical motion energy of multiple objects in widest spheres of human activity. Complication of tasks of their motion control requires implementation of new theoretical methods (including cybernetics) and artificial intellect electromechanical systems of automation.

      Wide and diversified use of the modern electromechanical systems and electric drives determines the necessity of substantial preparation of general professionals in the field of the Automatic operation and the electric drive theories, automation of high technology process and the facilities, computers, electronic appliances, technical means of automation, computer modeling and engineering. Graduates also get required knowledge of the technology features of general industrial facilities, electric drives of robots in flexible production, industrial engineering, economics, management, etc.

         Due to the multidiscipline and high quality preparation, the Department’s graduates have constant demand increase both in industry, engineering and science as well.

          The Department owns 10 modernly designed academic technical laboratories. All the department’s professors possess academic degrees: 2 Doctors of Engineering and 11 candidates of science.
The department is greatly proud of its graduates, among which are the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine academician B.Paton, academician S.Svechnikov, members-reporters І. Volkov, C.Samofalov, V.Tonkal, many Doctors of Engineering and candidates of science, ministers, CEOs of industrial mergers, enterprises, plants, etc.

Material and technical resources

The department spans the area of 1063,4 m² (Corps №20). The area of classrooms covers 755, 9 m². We also possess 13 academic laboratories with the total area of 706,3 m². Each laboratory can take the maximum of 25 Students. Two laboratories are used as the computer classes, and another one is the Department’s lecture room. Besides that, the Department has its own premises of course paper and diploma work, with the area of 49,6 m² and 10 work stations.

Some laboratories, where heavy machinery is kept, are situated on the pedimental floor of Corps №20 as they would require special foundations if moved. The laboratories are:

  1. Theory of an electric drive (№006-20);
  2. The automated electric drive of general industrial mechanisms (№016-20);
  3. Complex automation of technology processes (№015-20);
  4. Automated electric drive for non-electrotechnic majors (№017-20);
  5. Systems of automated electric drive control (№007-20).

The rest of laboratories is situated on the 4th floor of Corps №20:

  1. Laboratory of optimization of the electric drive modes (№406-20);
  2. Theories of automatic control and operation (№407-20);
  3. Electric drives of robotic and electromechanical systems (408-20);
  4. Educational center “Modern Technologies in Electromechanics” (together with the company ABB Ukraine) (№413-20);
  5. Automated electric drives in metal processing and machine building (№413-20);
  6. Computer class (№414-20);
  7. Electrical equipment (№415-20).

Besides that, the Department has its own administrative and educational premises with the total area of 307,5 m². Thus, the Department is well supplied both with academic space for the student training programs and employee premises.

Book value of the laboratory equipment per 1 full time student is 886 000 UAH/ 197 students = 4500 UAH.

The Department’s staff actively contributes to the academic laboratories upgrade. During the last years, about 20 new laboratory stands were created. The laboratory-training centers “Modern technologies in automation” (together with the company EATON) and “Modern technologies in electromechanics” (together with the company ABB Ukraine) were established, in which students of the department are able to work with modern samples of transforming equipment and automation means.

The Department is also well-equipped with computers. Students are free to use 50 PCs. The number of workstations per 100 students is 25,4.

The department also liaises with the leading companies that specialize in electrotechnical equipment necessary for our activity.

The department liaises with the leading companies that specialize in electrotechnical equipment necessary for our activity. Furthermore, a contract with Siemens and SV Altera about supply of electrical equipment for the complectation of laboratories is on the stage of signing.

The department closely relates to industrial enterprises and research institutions of its sphere.

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As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education