Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Features of EIT in mathematics in 2021

Features of EIT in mathematics in 2021

EIT in mathematics is a mandatory subject for admission to our specialization, so applicants should keep in mind that passing the GIA in mathematics at the “standard” level does not give the right to enter higher education institutions

When registering you must choose to pass the EIT
(certification work of the profile level).

Learn more:

1. This year, the EIT program in mathematics has changed significantly, and the new program can be found on the website of the Ukrainian Center for assessing the quality of Education. The list of competitive subjects has also expanded, and this EIT is present as the main subject or subject to choose from among the subjects for admission to almost all specialties.

2. Keep in mind that math testing levels exist exclusively for the GIA, but there are no levels for the EIT — the EIT in mathematics is the same for everyone. However, when registering, you need to choose the EIT, and not just testing, which will allow you to get an assessment from the GIA. It is necessary to put a mark during registration under “Result on a scale of 100-200 — get (admission to the Western Military District)”. Otherwise, you will not be able to get an EIT certificate.

3. The difference between SFE and EIT testing is as follows:

1) number of tasks (28 vs 34);
2)lead time (150 minutes vs 210 minutes);
3) availability of a score on a scale of 100-200 points for EIT;
4)difficulty of tasks.
5) The SFE is drawn up only for admission to specialties where mathematics is not a professional subject.

Situation 1. if a secondary education institution determines that mathematics in your class was studied at the profile level, register for the EIT and pass the mathematics of the profile level, which makes it possible to get both the GIA and the EIT (the work itself is called “certification work in mathematics”).

Situation 2. if a secondary education institution determines that mathematics in your class was studied at the standard level, register for the EIT and pass the standard level mathematics with additional tasks from the profile level, which will make it possible to get both the GIA and the EIT (the work itself is called “certification work in mathematics”).

May you be lucky when passing the EIT! We are waiting for you at the Open Days and a virtual tour of the department, and you can also register on our website for additional explanations on any questions regarding admission and training.

What registration windows should look like depending on your previous math training.

Особливості ЗНО з математики у 2021 р. - кафедра АЕМС-ЕП КПІ Особливості ЗНО з математики у 2021 р. - кафедра АЕМС-ЕП КПІ

Based on the website of the KPI admissions committee

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As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education