Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

The first Ukranian electric truck

Ukrainian company Bogdan has developed the first electric truck manufactured for the European Union

The electric vehicle is intended for mechanized transportation of solid household waste. “Bogdan” said that the electric truck meets all modern standards and is manufactured in accordance with European environmental standards, as some EU countries plan to ban diesel engines. The customer of the electric truck is the Danish company Banke Electromotive.

The car was assembled in Lutsk at the Automobile Assembly Plant №1.

The Ukrainian company sees prospects in the production of electric special transport for EU countries, which are now in great demand for environmentally friendly equipment. In the future, Ukrainian cities may also be interested in electric cars, for which the issue of environmental friendliness of transport will become decisive, according to “Bogdan”.

The corporation notes that the electric truck made in Ukraine received positive feedback from the customer – Banke Electromotive. After the completion of certification in Denmark, it is planned to begin its serial production under a large-scale contract with a European company.

At the same time, the corporation points out that Ukrainian companies and the administration do not yet have a significant interest in such equipment.

The main characteristics of the car:

  1. The electric truck can reach a speed up to 80 kilometers per hour.
  2. The permissible load of the machine is 27 tons.
  3. The car is equipped with rechargeable batteries with a capacity of 220 kWh.
  4. The range without recharging at full permissible weight is 220 kilometers.
  5. The service life is 12 years. It is stated that the batteries do not require maintenance for 6 years.
  6. The truck is equipped with ventilation, water heaters, CCTV system and air conditioning.
  7. According to a correspondent, the price of an electric truck is 400 thousand euros. After the launch, the price will be lower, as the corporation promises.

Перша електровантажівка виробництва вітчизняного "Богдану"

Banke Electromotive has already bought two such cars. Bogdan plans to deliver at least 10 more cars.

The truck is completely developed “from scratch” by LuAZ specialists. Ukrainian localization, according to “Bohdan”, was more than 50%.

Remind that “Bogdan” produces trolleybuses for Ukraine and Europe, electric buses for Poland and the Czech Republic and bodies of electric buses for France.

Video about the truck

In Lutsk, the Minister of Infrastructure Volodymyr Omelyan attended the presentation of the ERCV27 electric truck.

During the presentation of Banke ERCV27 at the Lutsk Automobile Plant, Banke Electromotive CEO Rasmus Danke said: “I would like to thank the employees of “Bogdan Motors” for the joint efforts we have developed and carried out tremendous work to produce this wonderful product. We hope to make more such cars in the future”.

Volodymyr Omelyan, for his part, noted that the presentation of an electric car built in Ukraine is evidence that our country can create high-tech devices. The official was one of the first who was able to test the car in action.

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