Stands for research of modern elements and devices of electromechanical systems of companies Noark and CHINT
With the support of the 2008 year department graduate Roman Popkov – now a regional manager in Ukraine and CIS countries – and associate professor. Ph.D. Mykola Pushkar, four new stands for working with elements and apparatuses of modern electromechanical systems based on the equipment of trademarks Noark and CHINT were designed at the department.
6th year student A.S. Guzinsky under the supervision of Assoc. Ph.D. M.V. Pushkar, implemented the stands, which will be used in the future cycle of laboratory works on the credit module “Elements and devices of electromechanical systems and electric drives (Elements and devices of EMS and ED)”.
The developed laboratory works’ main objective is conducting field experiments and researches of elements technical implementation principles and EMS and ED devices, familiarization with the elemental base of controllers, converters, information and measuring devices of ED for theoretical positions confirmation regarding the automation tools operation principles.
Photo of laboratory setups:

“Investigation of protection devices for contactor reversing circuits for the electric drives inclusion”
Equipment: Ex9B series circuit breakers, Ex9CBL series differential circuit breakers, modular contactors, relays, mini-actuators, thermal relays, Ex9IL indicators, Noark safety fuse holder DC and magnetic starter, timing relays and CHINT relay switches.
Company site is – in the link.