Конференція IEPS
From September 10 to September 14, 2018, at the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, an IEPS IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems was held.
At the plenary session, our D.Sc., prof. Tolochko O.I. made the report “Energy Efficient Speed Control of the Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor”. The report is devoted to the problem of energy-efficient management of salient-pole permanent magnets syncronous motors (PMSM), which are becoming increasingly used in industry in general, and in systems of electric drives in particular. This is thanks to the excellent weight-gauging parameters, the possibility of applying optimal control strategies, a wide range of speed control, simplicity of cooling, etc. In her report, prof. Tolochko O. I. proposed a new structural scheme of the three-band speed control system for PMSM, which differs by quite simple means of automatic switching of optimal control strategies with the provision of limiting currents and stator voltages.