Conference in THM
This September, a regular meeting of representatives of our department and the Department of Automation of Power Systems with lecturers and professors of the University of Applied Sciences of Hessen (THM), Germany, took place. The conference in THM was devoted to the topic “Advanced Control in Power Systems and Drives”, which also featured scientists from our faculty and other countries.
At the conference, Ph.D., associate prof. Kovbasa S.M. made a report on the theme “Direct vector control based on the rotor’s resistance-invariant rotor flux observer” by prof. Peresada and associate prof. Kovbasa S.M.
Negotiations on the establishment of a dual diploma program was also held. As a result, two our students of the 5th year are already gone to the THM for the academic semester. (see news)

Conference participants: in the first row to the left: first – associate professor. S.M. Kovbasa, the second is prof. S. M. Peresada, the third – prof. O. S. Yandulsky, the fourth – G. O. Trunina, the fifth – prof. O. Kuznetsov