Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Posts tagged конкурс

Consolidated universities rating of U...

Consolidated rating of higher education institutions of Ukraine in 2022 The educational information resource ” ” compiled a consolidated ranking of higher education institutions of Ukraine in 2022 . KPI named after Ihor Sikorsky confidently takes the SECOND place, and is also recognized as the BEST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY of Ukraine. The most authoritative national […]

Конкурс на Премію Верховної Ради Укра...

Конкурс на Премію Верховної Ради України молодим ученим за 2022 рік. Оновлена інформація від Комітету Верховної Ради України з питань освіти, науки та інновацій У зв’язку з військовою агресією Російської Федерації проти України у нашій державі був введений воєнний стан. Багато наукових та освітніх установ постраждали від цієї агресії і вимушені були перейти на особливий […]

Кар’єрні перспективи для студентів у ...

Кар’єрні перспективи для студентів ФЕА: ДТЕК Київські електромережі запрошує студентів на Zoom-зустріч щодо дуального навчання У 2021-2022 навчальному році ДТЕК Київські електромережі розширює межі проєкту дуальної освіти. До переліку ВНЗ, які вже співпрацюють з ДТЕК Київські електромережі за проєктом дуальної освіти, долучився Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського. Студенти випускних курсів ФЕА мають можливість взяти […]

Starting a new internship at THM

Початок нового стажування у THM, кафедра АЕМС-ЕП КПІ

Starting a new internship at THM This year, four 5-year masters and 6-year masters have arrived to THM, University of Applied Sciences of Mittelhessen, Germany from our faculty. Four of them are students of AEMS-ED department, other are students of AE department. The start of a new internship at THM is on 07.10.2019, as this is […]

Project in THM (DAAD scholarship)

Project in THM, DAAD scholarship 6th-year scientific direction master-student of the department AEMS-ED Y. Nikonenko conducted research at the University of Applied Sciences of Mittelhessen (THM), by the DAAD Leonard-Euler Scholarship Collaboration Program in April-May 2019. The research program included the comparison of the energy characteristics of an electric vehicle system with two different energy storages. A […]

Victory in the competition of student...

Чергова перемога в конкурсі кафедра АЕМС-ЕП КПІ Сікорського

Victory in the student research competition, 2019 Our students won in the competition, in the field of knowledge “Electrical engineering and electromechanics”, which takes place in the city of Kamenske (formerly Dneprodzerzhinsk) of the Dnipro region. More than 100 works were submitted to the first round of the competition. The works presented by our students […]

Semester in Germany

Семестр навчання в Німеччині 2 студент кафедри АЕМС-ЕП КПІ Сікорського

Semester in Germany Hello. I am a 5th year student of the ‘EП-81мн’ group, Andriy Otroshko. During the winter semester, I studied at Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen under a double degree program. The training was conducted within the framework of the DAAD International Program on the basis of a new specialty in THM – Computer, Control […]

Leonard Euler Scholarship

Leonard Euler Scholarship Congratulations! The Leonard-Euler scholarship was awarded to the student of the 6th year Nikonenko Y. This is a scholarship from the University of Applied Sciences of MittelHessen, Germany (THM) for the Leonhard Euler Program 2018/19 project under the DAAD program. It is awarded to the winner of the correspondence contest among the […]

Internship report

Hallo alle zusammen! I am a 6th-year master-student V. Varvolik, and I want to tell you a little about the scientific internship at Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM), which took place from 02.10.2017 to 28.02.2018 within the masters double diploma program framework. The university campus is located in three cities – Friedberg, Giessen and Wetzlar. Department […]

Victory in the student contest 2018

Once again our students distinguished themselves in competition in the field of knowledge ‘Electrical engineering and electromechanics’, which held for 23 years in the city Kamianske (formerly Dneprodzerzhinsk) of the Dnipro region. This year our department students managed to take 4 first and 2 second places. Partially, this is the result of fact that most […]

Carolo Cup. Design is completed

Carolo Cup. The stage of a robotic car model design is completed. Is scope of DAAD exchange program, Vasyl Varovolik and Mykyta Slyvkanych, who are student of the Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drive, have run the international training course in Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen – THM) since […]

D.Pushnitsyn internship at THM

Dmitry Pushnitsyn’s internship at THM, Friedberg campus, Germany. In December 2017 Pushnitsyn Dmytro, the PhD-student of the Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drive (AEMS-ED), has run training in Mittelhessen University of Applied Science (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen THM) in laboratory of “Electric Drive and Control Systems”. The internship goal include offline identification of […]


As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education