Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Electric drive

Subject / Educational component Electric drive
Educational level First (Bachelor’s degree)
Year of study, semester 4th year, 6th semester
Number of ECTS credits 120 hours in total

4.0 credits of ECTS

Language of study English
Department Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electrical Drive
Assumed knowledge and prerequisites – basic knowledge in Electric Machines and Theory of Automatic Control;

– basic technical English and English terminology in Electrical Power Engineering.

The scope of the course The scope of the course includes:

– operational functions of electrical drive;

– structure of electrical drive;

– electrical and mechanical features of the electrical drives of different types;

– steady state and dynamics of electrical drive;

– basis of electrical drive control;

– selection (planning) and applications of electrical drive;

– mutual influence/interference between electrical drives and electricity supply networks.

Rationale The course’s rationality is based on the following:

– electrical drive is the lager electricity consumer in the world;

– wide application in most of the fields of the human activities;

– a great potential for demand-site energy saving;

– problems in electricity quality caused by mutual influence between electrical drive and electricity supply network, to be solved.

  Learning outcomes


Student will obtain the knowledge of basic electrical drive: functions, structure, application, mathematical description and block diagrams, energy conversion in various modes, static and dynamic characteristics of electric motors of different types, methods of electric drives control, energy saving in electrical drive, trends in electrical drive development. Separate issues are dedicated to interinfluence between electrical drive and electricity network.


Students will attain basic skills in selection of electrical drive and its applications, assessment of operational performance and applicability to different industrial installations and technologies.


Students will gain practical experience to work of some industrial electrical drives.

  Competencies and skills


It is expected that students will have competencies in selection, application and operation of electrical drives in industries.
Instructional Materials: – Syllabus;

– Student Achievements’ Credit Assessment System;

– package of PowerPoint presentations of the lectures;

– texbooks;

– methodological materials for laboratory classes and individual tasks;

– selected videos from Yuotube.

Mode of delivery: – Lectures (PowerPoint presentations are to be used);

– interactive discussions in groups (during lectures or consultations);

– individual classes with individual tasks (if envisaged in the specific syllabus);

– individual and/or group consultations;

– laboratory classes;

– self-study activities of the students.

End-of-semester control:   Final test


As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education