Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Artificial intelligence for writing r...

Artificial intelligence writes a great resume for job search Scientists have created an artificial intelligence system that can create a special resume for the applicant for a vacant position. Resumes are compiled in such a way that the applicant’s experience is most interesting to the employer. Such resumes can bypass programs created for automatic screening […]

Development of a stand for research o...

Pashchak Ya. 4th year student and candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant, Zaichenko Yu.m. developed a laboratory stand for the study of automation systems based on programmable logic controllers. They are currently assembling it. More information about this stand and your own diploma design in the 4th year will be described and published soon. Wait for […]

HYPERLOOP vacuum train

HYPERLOOP VACUUM TRAIN Another new direction of high – speed ground transport is the combination of vacuum transport with linear electric drive and magnetic cushion-the so-called Hyperloop system, which has been implemented since 2012 with the assistance of American investor Elon Musk. Currently, the implementation of Hyperloop is carried out in the United States and […]

Study at Otto von Guericke University

Study at the Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg for FEA students Study German at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute at the Joint Ukrainian-German Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (SUNMF) and get the opportunity to study for a master’s degree at the Otto-von-Guericke University (Ofsu) of Magdeburg (Germany). Since September 2020, FEA students have been included in the cooperation […]

Prospects, advantages and disadvantag...

CURRENT STATE AND PROSPECTS Currently, Monorail Transport has established itself in several niches – as entertainment (in parks, zoos, recreation areas, exhibitions), as automatic transport at airports for communication between terminals and transportation to urban transport, as well as urban and intercity passenger transport. Thanks to its noiselessness and lack of vibrations in densely populated […]

Practical implementation of magnetic ...

The Linimo magnetic pillow train, which began operating in March 2005, was developed by Chubu HSST and is still in use in Japan. It runs between two cities in Aichi Prefecture. The length of the track over which Maglev is flying is about 9 Km (9 stations). At the same time, the maximum speed of […]

IEEE webinar – Online Loss Mini...

Online Loss Minimization for Electrical Machines Wednesday 21 April 2021 at 2:00 PM CET (15:00 Kiev time) Presenter: Christoph Hackl Munich University of Applied Sciences (MUAS) Germany Abstract: Electrical machines consume more than 50% of the globally generated electricity. Hence, advances in research on the loss minimization of electrical drives (machine+inverter) have been made; in particular […]

Principle of operation of a magnetic ...

MAGNETIC PILLOW TRAINS – TRANSPORT OF THE FUTURE Maglev trains (from the words “magnetic levitation”) are the fastest type of ground public transport. Although only a few such systems have been put into commercial operation so far, research and testing of prototype magnetic trains is being conducted in different countries. HOW IT WORKS We know […]

History of formation of trains on a m...

MAGNETIC PILLOW TRAINS – TRANSPORT OF THE FUTURE Maglev trains (from the words “magnetic levitation”) are the fastest type of ground public transport. Although only a few such systems have been put into commercial operation so far, research and testing of prototype magnetic trains is being conducted in different countries. How the technology of magnetic […]

Volkswagen electric vehicles with rev...

Volkswagen Electric Vehicles Will Be Able To Supply Energy To Homes Following the results of yesterday’s Volkswagen event, it became known that since 2023, the production of a unified prismatic battery cell has been established, which by the end of the decade will be registered in 80% of the concern’s electric vehicles. The latter, as […]

PhD Graduate Training

PhD Graduate Training We invite persons who have received a higher education of a master’s degree (specialist) to enter on a competitive basis for postgraduate studies at the Department of Electromechanical Systems Automation and Electrical Drives in specialty 141″Electrical Engineering, Electric Power and electromechanics” at the expense of the state budget or individuals or legal […]

Catalog of applicants for the KPI mas...

Do you dream of entering the master’s program at the Igor Sikorsky KPI? “Applicant’s catalog” will help you get all the useful information about the Igor Sikorsky KPI and make the right choice. In the catalog you will find information about: how do I calculate my competition score? what educational programs are available? who do […]


As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education