Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Posts in category Students news

Lecture by the partner company Vector...

Lecture from the partner company of the FEA faculty – the company VectorVS On Thursday, December 7, 2023, a lecture was held by the partner company of our faculty for students of the Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drives from the VectorVS company. Expert speaker Oleksandr Lytovchenko, who graduated from KPI in […]

Scientific cooperation with THM

Scientific cooperation between the Igor Sikorskyi KPI and the Technical University of Central Hessen Despite the war, Igor Sikorskyi KPI continues scientific cooperation with the Technical University of Central Hessen. As part of this cooperation, Hanna Zemlyanukhina , a graduate student of the Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drives of the National […]

List of educational components for wh...

List of educational components for which the Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drives plans to provide practical training in face-to-face mode

List of educational components for which the Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drives plans to provide practical training in face-to-face mode To the attention of bachelor’s and master’s degree holders in specialty 141 “Electroenergetics , electrical engineering and electromechanics” who study in the educational and professional programs “Electromechanical systems of automation, electric […]

Meetings of future graduates with emp...

Meetings of future graduates with employers Meetings of future graduates of the department in 2023 with potential employers are ongoing. On 05/22/2023, a video conference of 5th year students (1st year of master’s degree) was held in EP-21mp with the HR Director of the Kyiv Lifting and Transport Equipment Plant Sergienko R.V. Today, the Kyiv […]

Development of modern industrial auto...

Development of modern industrial automation devices On February 16, 2023, a seminar “Development of Modern Industrial Automation Devices” was held for second and third year students, conducted by Dmytro Pushnitsyn, a 2015 graduate of the department, who currently works as a Development Engineer (Hardware Developer) at Siemens s.r.o. (Prague, Czech Republic). Dmytro told the students […]

Questionnaire on education in 2022-20...

Questionnaire on improving the quality of educational services in the fall semester of 2022-2023 The Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drives of KPI is concerned about the quality of training of its students and constantly improves the teaching of basic and elective subjects. For this purpose, we are conducting a survey to […]

Development of modern industrial auto...

Seminar “Development of modern industrial automation devices” from a graduate of the Department of AEMS EP The Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drive continues to cooperate with graduates and employers to improve the educational process and familiarize future specialists with modern achievements in various fields of their future professional activities. This time, […]

Courses at the University of Rocheste...

Courses at the University of Rochester (New York, USA) Starting this year, students of the department have a chance to take online courses at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY, for free. Undergraduate students who have successfully completed the Theory of Automatic Control courses (3rd and 4th year students), as well as master’s students, […]

An open lecture within the framework ...

An open lecture within the framework of the Ukraine program Global Faculty Within the framework of the Ukraine program Global Faculty students of KPI have a unique opportunity to attend lectures by leading scientists and experts in various fields. Do not miss such an opportunity. Today is one of the lectures of the program by […]

Студенти КПІ мають можливість прослух...

Студенти КПІ мають можливість прослухати лекції всесвітньовідомих науковців Студенти університету отримали унікальну можливість відвідувати лекції всесвітньовідомих науковців і експертів у різних галузях. Зокрема, лекції з економіки читатиме Ерік Райнерт — один з найвідоміших економістів, власник успішної промислової компанії Matherson-Selig і автор бестселера «Як багаті країни стали багатими… і чому бідні країни лишаються бідними». Про світ […]

Студент кафедри АЕМС-ЕП Д.Тананаєв пр...

Студент кафедри АЕМС-ЕП Дмитро Тананаєв представляв Україну на Всесвітньому чемпіонаті зі спортивних танців 15 жовтня 2022 у німецькому м.Брауншвейг в рамках Всесвітнього чемпіонату зі спортивних танців відбулися змагання у формації латина. У чемпіонаті приймали участь команди з Австрії, Великої Британії, Монголії, Нідерландів, Польщи, Угорщини та України. Україну представляла команда спортивного клубу Адажіо (м.Ірпінь). Наші спортсмени […]

Science for Recovery

Science for Recovery – the interview Japanese journalist Hiroki Wada of the national newspaper The Mainichi, made the interview with the Deputy Dean in Education of Electrical Engineering and Automation faculty (FEA), Assoc. Prof., Ph.D. Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drive department Mykola Pushkar together with the department’s graduate student and young teacher Hanna […]


As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education


