Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”


Practice of students of AEMS-ED department

The practice of students of the department is traditionally held in the 4th and 6th years of study of preparation before the defense of diploma and dissertation works.

The list of bases of industrial practice is constantly updated.

Typical contracts concluded with companies for internships, sample agreements, etc. are summarized in a short table.

For students: Contract for internship 4th year Contract for internship 6th year
For Supervisors of students at the department: Agreements with enterprises on internships and employment of graduates of the department
For Practice managers at firm: Sample agreement between KPI and your institution on employment (distribution) of our specialists
To all General provisions on the organization and helding of industrial practice
For potential companies looking for students

If you need students-electricians for internships, please fill out the application and leave your company’s contact details. The person in charge of students internships and employment will contact you for clarification and further cooperation.

The table below lists the internships for students graduation over the past few years.

\Graduation year
The first level of higher education (HO): bachelor The second level of HO: scientific masters The second level of VO: professional
Carrying out period ~15.04 – 19.05.20ХХ ~03.02 –08.03.20ХХ ~01.09 – 26.10.20ХХ
2020 ЕП-61 ЕП-81мн ЕП-91мп
2019 ЕП-51, ЕП-п61, ЕП-п62 ЕП-71мн ЕП-81мп, ЕП-82мп
2018 ЕП-41, ЕП-42, ЕП-с51 ЕП-61мн, ЕП-61мп ЕП-71мп, ЕП-72мп
2017 ЕП-31, ЕП-32, ЕП-п41 ЕП-51м ЕП-61с

Some interesting information about the internships

Practical preparation for work in the specialty begins with training seminars in leading companies, as students are trained (Siemens, EATON, Schneider Electric etc.), as well as graduation practice in the 4th year (4 weeks) and 6th year (8 weeks) of study.

For carrying out of students practice, leading enterprises and organizations the fields of industrial automation and electric drive, such as:

  1. Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  2. AEK Kyivenerho
  3. LLC “Firm Kharchoservice”
  4. Institute of Electric Welding named after E.O. Paton
  5. CJSC “OTIS”
  6. TOV “SV Altera”
  7. SE “Rivne NPP”
  8. OJSC Vercon
  9. ASTC named after OK. Antonova
  10. KP “Kyivpastrans”
  11. DNVP “Electronmash”
  12. NDI “Quantum”
  13. OJSC Cherkasy Bus
  14. LLC “Raut-automatic”
  15. DP “Plant Arsenal”
  16. SE “Kyivprilad”
  17. Cascade of Kyiv HPPs and PSPs etc.

Employment and internships of our graduates are carried out in the leading companies of Ukraine and the world, which require design, operation or maintenance:

  • industrial, municipal automation systems;
  • electromechanical systems;
  • Smart House systems;
  • robotic systems;
  • electric vehicles (electric cars, electric planes, etc.).

See also the section on employment of graduates.

Some videos from employment firms of graduates are below. See more in video section Projects of graduates.


As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education