Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

An open lecture within the framework of the Ukraine program Global Faculty

An open lecture within the framework of the Ukraine program Global Faculty

Within the framework of the Ukraine program Global Faculty students of KPI have a unique opportunity to attend lectures by leading scientists and experts in various fields.

Do not miss such an opportunity.

Today is one of the lectures of the program by the most cited Ukrainian scientist, a world -renowned researcher in the field of chemistry, materials science and nanotechnology Yuriy Gogotsi « Nanomaterials for Electrical Energy Storage “.

Brief information from Wikipedia about the lecturer: “.. Professor Y. Gogotsi heads a group of scientists engaged in the research of nanostructured carbon ( nanotubes , graphene , nanodiamonds [1] , nanoporous carbon [ en ] ( eng. carbide-derived carbon , CDC)) and hydrothermal synthesis of carbon nanostructures , ceramics, studies phase transformations under pressure in semiconductors, effective methods of water purification – desalination and capacitive deionization , modern energy sources – supercapacitors [2] [3] [4] , application of carbon nanomaterials for energy and biomedicine.

Professor Yuriy Gogotsi discovered and researched a whole family of fundamentally new two-dimensional ( 2D ) nanomaterials — Maxenes ) [5] . He developed a general approach to the synthesis of porous and low-dimensional materials using selective extraction of elements / components that can be used to create nanoporous carbon, carbon nanotubes , graphene , 2D carbides, etc. [6] Also a professor Gogotsi discovered and described new forms of carbon, such as conical [7] and polygonal crystals [8] . He discovered a new metastable phase of silicon. For the first time, he showed the presence and abnormally slow movement of water in carbon nanotubes by electron microscopy [9] [10] .

Founded new scientific directions:

  • Corrosion of structural ceramics; [11]
  • Science and technology of pressure surface treatment; [12]
  • Synthesis of new inorganic compounds and materials by the method of selective corrosion and extraction.

Professor Y. Gogotsi is the co-author of two books, the editor of 14 books [13] [14] , is the inventor of more than 80 European and American patents, more than 30 of which are licensed for industry, and more than 100 scientific papers for conferences, more than 800 articles in peer-reviewed journals , including many publications in the journals Nature and Science , the h – index is currently 175 according to Google Scholar and 152 on the Web version of Science .

In the Stanford list of 2% of the best researchers in the world in all scientific disciplines [15], in 2019, Yurii Gogotsi ranked 53rd among all living and dead scientists

When: November 30 at 15:00

Where: online

To participate, register using the link

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As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education