Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

The deadline for submitting documents for additional points continues

From 17.05.2021 to 30.05.2021, students can submit documents that give grounds for accounting for additional points in the academic performance rating. Please note that this semester supporting documents will be submitted via Google Forms. Be careful when filling them out and read all the instructions.

In an updated article in the Telegraph ( you will learn:

  • how to calculate your success rating
  • what additional points are counted for
  • when and where to send supporting documents
  • when will the decisions be made and the lists made public
  • who should I ask questions to

From 17.05.2021 to 30.05.2021, students can submit documents that give grounds for taking additional points into account in the academic performance rating

  • The academic performance rating, according to which students are awarded an academic scholarship, is calculated using the formula:

R=0.95 * average score+0.05 * additional points.

  • To take into account additional points, students who have achievements in scientific and sports activities (except for participation in student circles and community work – for this activity, submissions are made by the heads of relevant circles, departments and student organizations) fill out the Google form of their faculty/Institute, where they upload supporting documents about the relevant achievements or provide links.
  • Attention! You can only fill out the Google form once from a single email address. If you have any difficulties filling out the Google form or you did not immediately specify all your achievements, then write about it to the contact email address specified for your faculty/Institute (see the article below).
  • Additional points are counted for achievements made in the current semester! (starting from January 1, 2021)

What are additional points counted for?

For more information about the list of activities for which they can be obtained, see the DNVR website.


  • 17.05-30.05.2021 students submit documents via the Google Form (see the separate form for each faculty/Institute below)
  • 1.06-02.06.2021 meetings of scholarship commissions of faculties/institutes will be held
  • 03.06.2021 name lists with the number of points and justification are published on the websites of faculties/institutes
  • 07.06.-20.06.2021 students can appeal to the university scholarship committee if they do not agree with the decision of the faculty/Institute Scholarship Commission to take into account/not take into account additional points in the academic performance rating. To do this, you need to write an application for appeal to the chairman of the University Scholarship Committee in free form (sample registration) and send it to the email address формі

List of registered circles in KPI

The list is being updated, details are available on the DNVR website

Google Forms for submitting supporting documents for additional points

Read each page of the form carefully! Fill out everything exclusively in Ukrainian.

You can only fill out the Google form once from a single email address.

If you have any difficulties filling out the Google form or you did not immediately specify all your achievements, then write about it to the contact email address specified for your faculty/Institute (see the article below).

Form for FEA students

KPIscholarship in Telegram ( you have any questions write to the bot ( Scholarship support department or us (

We wish you all success!

#ДНВР #відділ_стипендіального_забезпечення

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As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education