Artificial intelligence writes a great resume for job search
Scientists have created an artificial intelligence system that can create a special resume for the applicant for a vacant position. Resumes are compiled in such a way that the applicant’s experience is most interesting to the employer. Such resumes can bypass programs created for automatic screening of candidates.
The Rezi Resume program is an algorithm that creates resumes and cover letters based on individual needs. It works by analyzing candidate tracking systems (ATS) that many employers use to automatically drop out candidates.
AI-Powered Free ATS Resume Builder | Rezi
By evaluating job seekers ‘ requests in these systems, the program creates a resume that will be most interesting to the employer. For example, it selects words that will allow ATS systems to mark the user as the best candidate.
It is worth noting that Rezi Resume does not write a full resume. The user enters the initial text, and the program adds sentences so that the user can avoid cliches. The creators of the algorithm note that their program helped users find jobs in companies such as Airbnb, Spotify, Google, Atlassian and Microsoft.
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A few examples for electrical engineers.