Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

British firm D2H has created a cheap electric car

The British company D2H has created a cheap and lightweight electric car

Tuk-Tuks, also known as rickshaws, are everywhere used as urban transport in crowded cities. Even though they are most common in South and Southeast Asia, they’re also used in Africa and the Middle East. Originally, however, the concept was based on the 1931 Mazda-Go, designed and built in Japan.
However, they are criticized for their poor safety credentials and some are trying to come up with better alternatives. This UK-based company called D2H is proposing a simple all-electric vehicle as a tuk-tuk alternative that has plenty of cool and unique features that make it intriguing.

Великобританська компанія D2H лідує проектування чистого електричного, дешевого альтернативного транспортного транспорту замість tuk-tuk.

Firstly, its makers say its price would be similar to that of a tuk-tuk, but with four wheels instead of three, it should be considerably more stable. It has a front-mounted electric motor that drives the front wheels and the chassis actually incorporates jute-based natural fiber thermoplastic polymer which according to its makers is both strong and lightweight.

Read more about this on the company’s website

Uk company leads the way in designing a pure electric, low cost alternative to legendary tuk-tuk utility vehicle

• D2H spearheading a drive to design an affordable, zero-emissions-in-use Tuk-Tuk replacement
• Simple yet innovative concept incorporates natural fibre thermoplastics that are readily available in target markets
• Versatile design provides advancements in safety as well as efficiency
• Unit cost expected to compete directly with Tuk-Tuk

Buckingham UK, 21st May 2020 – A UK-based advanced engineering company is leading a consortium to design an innovative, low cost electric vehicle chassis that has the potential to provide an environmentally-compatible alternative to the aged Tuk-Tuk utility vehicle that is widely used in India and Asia.

D2H is the lead partner in a consortium funded by Innovate UK’s IDP15 scheme, for industry-led research into on-vehicle technologies that accelerate the transition to zero emission vehicles in the UK and globally.

“Many electric vehicle projects target high-performance, high-value chassis concepts” says Matthew Hicks, D2H Engineering Director. “While these are great engineering projects, we identified a need for a very low cost, zero emissions utility vehicle which can be adapted to different configurations and offers the potential for much greater uptake.

Великобританська компанія D2H лідує проектування чистого електричного, дешевого альтернативного транспортного транспорту замість tuk-tuk.

Having secured Coventive Composites and Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) as partners, alongside Innovate UK’s funding assistance, we have carried out a detailed design study to create a novel chassis which can be built locally to the market it is intended for, incorporating materials and manufacturing processes which are simple to use, abundant in the market and considerate to environmental issues, whilst providing consumers with the option of an accessible electric-powered utility vehicle. “.

Coventive Composites had been developing a jute-based natural fibre thermoplastic polymer. “This material has many advantages – the jute is readily available in the target markets and is both lightweight and relatively strong,” says Hicks. “When compared to metal alternatives, fibre reinforced thermoplastics have reduced manufacturing cycle times and energy requirements and allow high levels of detail to be moulded in, so they typically require less post processing. It was a material we wanted to incorporate into our design.” The resulting chassis is a predominantly bonded assembly. “WMG has been a great help in assisting us with the process work for production,” continues Hicks.

The design meets the L7E Heavy Quadricycle EU classification, so although currently exempt from crash test assessment, it was always a design imperative that the new vehicle raised the bar for safety performance in its price sector. In its present form the design uses proprietary suspension, brakes and steering from a current production chassis, with front-wheel drive from a front-mounted motor and battery packs stored in between the rear wheels. The design weight is 480 kg, not including batteries. “While we are designing for a low voltage powertrain, we have no specific solution in mind at this stage,” adds Hicks. “However, we envisage power and cooling sufficient for 12 hours continuous use – these are utility vehicles and need to be kept in service for long periods”.

D2H plans to move to the prototype and testing stage with the help of further partners. “Having made good progress so far, we are keen to take this project further” says Hicks. “The development of the vehicle will require like-minded powertrain and battery providers, who can provide robust and very low-cost alternatives to petrol combustion units.”

Hicks concludes: “This a modern, clean running version of the legendary Tuk-Tuk, which has been so successful in mobilising millions of people in India, South-East Asia and South America. If we can create a lighter, safer, zero emissions alternative that competes on cost and utility, then we will have done the job.”

Великобританська компанія D2H лідує проектування чистого електричного, дешевого альтернативного транспортного транспорту замість tuk-tuk.

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