Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Admission to the master’s degree 2020


Terms of the introductory campaign and new opportunities to submit documents: the Ministry of Education and Science has made changes to the Terms of Admission

The Ministry of Education and Science has made changes to the Conditions of Admission to Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine. The relevant order, signed on May 4, was registered with the Ministry of Justice.

All dates of the introductory campaign in 2020 have been postponed for a month (August) taking into account the forecast of the epidemiological situation.

Also, the Ministry of Education and Science provided for entrants the opportunity to submit original documents by mail.

Admission to the Master’s Degree 2020: UEE / UPEE registration procedure

For entrants to the magistracy of Igor Sikorsky KPI in 2020, the selection committee developed 2 registration algorithms:

• Igor Sikorsky KPI this academic year, who wish to enter the master’s program;

• for entrants who have completed their studies in previous years or are entering after graduation from another higher education institution this year.

Registration on UEE / UPEE: from 12 May to 05 June

  • Detailed information for master’s entrants who are graduating from KPI this year;
  • Detailed information for graduate students who have completed their studies in previous years;
  • Detailed information for entrants to the master’s program who enter after the end of this year of another institution of higher education (if the opportunity to register at the place of study is not available!)

Entrant to Facebook | instagram | telegram, feedback
Waiting for you!

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As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education