M. Pushkar lecture in THM
Associate Professor of the Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drives department M. Pushkar held a lecture at the University of Applied Sciences in Hessen (THM), Germany, on campus in Friedberg, on December 3, 2018. Lecturer has the topic “Self-excitation and control of autonomous induction generators”.

На фото: доц. к.т.н. Пушкар М. В. та професор THM О. Кузнецов
The lectures were attended by students enrolled in the double-diploma magistracy program between Igor Sikorsky KPI and THM, as well as lecturers and professors from THM and KPI. At the moment, two students of the 5th year of our department: A. Otroshko and M. Hylko are studying under the double diploma program in THM.
In addition, there is a close collaboration between the teachers of the two educational institutions in order to exchange experiences and to cinduct joint researches.