Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Preparatory courses

National Technical University of Ukraine
“Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
announces recruitment for the 2019 KPI Preparatory Courses
for the 2018-2019 academic year to prepare for the 2019 EIT


Forms of training

Part-time (every Saturday from 1000 to 1645) – a form of distance learning that provides a flexible combination of full-time and part-time forms and provides training regardless of the place of residence of the listener.

Terms of study

7 months – from October 1 to April 30;
6 months – from November 1 to April 30;
5 months – from December 1 to April 30.

Procedure for enrollment in preparatory courses

Pre-registration must be completed by August 20, 2018 by emailing peretyatko.julia at

Для попередньої реєстрації необхідно до  20 серпня 2018 року надіслати заяву на пошту peretyatko.julia at

To apply for the courses, you must provide by September 10, 2018 in person at the address above:

• statement;
• photocopy of passport (photocopy of birth certificate);
• a photocopy of the identification number;
• 2 photos (3 x 4).
Phones for reference: 204 – 85 – 77; 050-682-80-07

Organization of the educational process

• Admission to the training courses is within the approved license volume.
• Beginning of classes depends on the complete set of training groups: from September 15; the 1st of October; November 1 or December 1.
• Classes are held in FEA-based study groups.
• The traineeship and attestation of the trainees are conducted in three competitive subjects, which correspond to the chosen trainees direction.
• According to the license, the training is provided in the following subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Ukrainian language and literature.
• Leading university teachers, who have many years of experience in the system of pre-university preparation of NTUU “KPI”, are involved in the preparation courses.
• The methodological and software work of the preparatory courses allows for optimal synchronization during the academic year of two interrelated processes: in-depth preparation for external independent assessment (EEO) and bringing the level of knowledge of students in fundamental disciplines to the level of requirements of university programs.
• Training is paid. Payment is made according to the approved Estimates.

Attestation of students

• At the end of the academic year, the student receives a Certificate with his final rating, which is an integral indicator of the quality of his knowledge in the three program competitive subjects.
• This indicator is formed throughout the term of study as a result of constant monitoring by the Testing and Knowledge Center of NTUU “KPI” of all types of student’s educational achievements.
• The main type of independent work of the trainee during the academic year is the completion and protection of individual assessment work (IAR) for each subject.
• One-on-one quality control of the knowledge of the trainees in all subjects is carried out in the form of final assessment tests (PAKR).

On the basis of the received final rating, upon entry to the natural-mathematical and engineering-technical directions of preparation, additional points are added to the listener (according to the Conditions of admission to universities of Ukraine).

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As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education