Development of partnership with Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (Germany).
The faculty of electric power engineering and automatics (FEA) of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute has cooperated for last few years with University Of Applied Science (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen – THM) in Germany. In October 2017, a workgroup of specialists of the departments of Automation of Electromechanical System and Electric Drive (AEMS-ED) and Automation of Energy System visited Germany in scope of “Partnership with developing countries” project, funded by DAAD (the world-wide organization).
Being at THM, prof. Peresada S and assoc. prof Kovbasa, as members of the delegation of the AEMS-ED department, solved cooperation problems. Among them, a faculty-based international office foundation was a key problem in order to provide cooperation in the fields of researches and projects.
Another important discussed point was development of the double master degree program between FEA and the department of Information Technology, Electronics, Mechatronic (IEM) that starts in autumn 2018. The study plans, research areas and terms of the students studies in THM were agreed during the meetings with Germany colleagues.
Also, it should be mentioned that S. Peresada and S. Kovbasa had participated annual workshop, devoted to the discussion of relevant developments and researches in the field of electric power engineering, electromechanics and electric drive. As a member of the delegation, the associated professor of the AEMS-ED department S. Kovbasa made a speech. In addition to the delegation from I. Sikorsky KPI and scientist of THM, the workshop was participated by professor of other Europe universities.
The result of the visit, expect useful experience, is development of the international image of the department as well as the entire faculty. Moreover, universities cooperation agreements were signed, numerous important problems, concerned with student mobility, were solved. The basement of scientific cooperation that will involver the department scientists was founded.