Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Posts tagged стенд

Development of a stand for research of the automation...

Pashchak Ya. 4th year student and candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant, Zaichenko Yu.m. developed a laboratory stand for the study of automation systems based on programmable logic controllers. They are currently assembling it. More information about this stand and your own diploma design in the 4th year will be described and published soon. Wait for […]

New setups with Noark equipment

Stands for research of modern elements and devices of electromechanical systems of companies Noark and CHINT With the support of the 2008 year department graduate Roman Popkov – now a regional manager in Ukraine and CIS countries – and associate professor. Ph.D. Mykola Pushkar, four new stands for working with elements and apparatuses of modern […]

New FPGA Altera MAX

New FPGA Altera MAX by ALTERA Associate professor of automation of electromechanical systems and electric drives department, Sergey Buryan received seven cards of the developer DE10 Lite from the Taiwanese firm ALTERA. This firm is engaged in the development and implementation of programmable logic integrated circuits. This was made possible by his participation in the […]

New setup with Schneider equipment

Стенд для дослідження промислових систем Schneider, каф. АЕМС-ЕП КПІ

Research setup of automation industrial systems, type MachineStructure of company Schneider Electric 6th year students Kyyatkin R.O. and Komar O.G. under the direction of associate professor. Ph.D. Korol S.V. created a new setup for the study of industrial automation systems of MachineStructure of Schneider Electric company. This installation will be used in the cycle of […]

Основні розробки кафедри


Основні розробки кафедри Основні розробки кафедри представлені далі: УНІФІКОВАНИЙ КОНТРОЛЕР НА ОСНОВІ ЦИФРОВОГО СИГНАЛЬНОГО ПРОЦЕСОРА TMS320LF2406A

Лабораторія по керуванню САФ


 Лабораторія по керуванню силовим активним фільтром У новій лабораторії студенти запобігають масштабних аварій в електромережах на основі стенду по керуванню силовим активним фільтром.


As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education