Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Suboptimal nonlinear control for operation speed criterion on the basis of invariant immersion method

Suboptimal nonlinear control for operation speed criterion on the basis of invariant immersion method

Suboptimal nonlinear control for operation speed criterion on the basis of invariant immersion method (2015) Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, 47 (11)
Kudin, V.F., Pryymak, B.I.

The general-theoretical task of suboptimal nonlinear control algorithm synthesis is studied. It is considered on the example of a two-mass electromechanical system of the crane moving mechanism, taking into account the oscillation damping of the load transported. The task is solved on the basis of the Bellman-Lyapunov method, using the invariant immersion concept for operation speed criterion. The analysis of a feedback system dynamics with the synthesized suboptimal controller is performed.

SciVal Topic Prominence

Prominence percentile: 38.667

Author keywords

Algorithm synthesisBellman-Lyapunov methodFeedback system dynamicsInvariant immersion conceptOperating speed criterionSuboptimal nonlinear control

Indexed keywords

Engineering controlled terms: AlgorithmsLyapunov methodsNonlinear feedbackSystem theory
Engineering uncontrolled terms Algorithm synthesisFeedback systemsInvariant immersion conceptNon linear controlOperating speed
Engineering main heading: Control system synthesis
  • ISSN: 10642315
  • Source Type: Journal
  • Original language: English
  • DOI: 10.1615/JAutomatInfScien.v47.i11.30
  • Document Type: Article
  • Publisher: Begell House Inc.

Kudin, V.F., Pryymak, B.I. Suboptimal nonlinear control for operation speed criterion on the basis of invariant immersion method (2015) Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, 47 (11), pp. 36-47.


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