Identification of induction motor parameters for self-commissioning procedure: A new algorithm and experimental verification
Identification of induction motor parameters for self-commissioning procedure: A new algorithm and experimental verification, 2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
S. Peresada, S. Kovbasa, D. Prystupa and S. E. Lyshevski
A new identification procedure to identify unknown parameters of induction motors for self-commissioning of vector controlled electrical drives is developed, substantiated and experimentally verified. Our algorithm uses a full-order adaptive observer to estimate stator fluxes and motor parameters: rotor resistance, stator (rotor) inductances, and, magnetizing inductance. Experiments demonstrate that the adaptive observer provides accuracy of identified parameters, asymptotic convergence of estimation errors to zero, and, fast convergence. The proposed solution is of a particular importance in high-performance electromechanical systems with speed measurements as well as sensorless vector controls.