Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Diploma design

Diploma design of bachelors and masters of AEMS-ED department

Diploma design for bachelors and masters of both educational and qualification levels. Forms for designing of the accompanying documentation in diploma designing (in Ukranian).

For bachelor students For master students
• Title page, technical task, reviews and stamp code 

• Contents of the bachelor project
• Admission card
• The order of the sheets layout of the introductory part

• Title page, technical task and reviews (prof.)


pdf red Example of the list of references
doc blue Example of specification

Methodical instructions

pdf red Simplified calculation of power converter parts
doc blue Development of startup projects
pdf red Methodical instructions on diploma preparation (department’s design)
doc blue Temporary position ON THE ORGANIZATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS in Igor Sikorsky KPI

Regulations on the final student certification (FSC) in Igor Sikorsky KPI:

pdf red pdf-file
doc blue doc-file

Annexes on the provisions of FSC:

  1. Internship agreement
  2. Order approving the composition of the EC and preparing for the final students certification
  3. Order on approval of topics and heads of qualification works
  4. Graduation order
  5. Help-call for qualification work
  6. Help-call for passing final exams
  7. Information on the learning outcomes of students admitted to the final certification
  8. Recommendations for the development of a set of examination materials for the final exam
  9. Recommendations for the development of closed tests and evaluation criteria
  10. а) Sample design of the Complex of examination materials for the final exam (comprehensive final exam)
    б) List of materials
    в) Package of examination tickets (tasks)
  11. Form of a separate examination ticket
  12. Minutes of the EC meeting on taking the (comprehensive) final exam
  13. Minutes of the EC meeting on consideration of the diploma project (diploma work, master’s dissertation)
  14. Requirements for the structure of the EC report
    Addendum to the EC report– Results of defense of diploma projects (diploma works, master’s dissertations)
  15. Tasks for the diploma project, diploma work
  16. Tasks for a master’s thesis
  17. Feedback from the supervisor (supervisor) of the qualification work
  18. Memo to the supervisor
  19. Referral for review
  20. Review of qualifying work
  21. Reviewer’s Memo
  22. Cover page of the diploma project
  23. Statement of the diploma project
  24. Explanatory note to the diploma project
  25. The cover page of the thesis
  26. The cover page of the master’s thesis

Regulations on FSC from the site of Igor Sikorsky KPI.


As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education