Workshop devoted to writing programs for industrial automation systems
Seminars with graduates and employers of the Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drives are ongoing. Another such event will be held on Friday , April 7, 2023, at 12:20 p.m. in the Zoom environment with the participation of Yevgeny Terletskyi, who is currently an employee of the TESLA company. The next event will be devoted to writing programs for industrial automation systems using ” Sequencers ” with the following plan:
- Overview of the finished program (simulation using HMI).
- The process of creating the whiteness of programs (selection of fixed and transient states and writing the actual program itself).
- An example of inappropriate use of Sequncer (writing a short program to control the water level in a tank).
- Combining two programs into one and trying to add standard elements in all industrial machines (work indicator, safety part , using libraries).
Students of 2-5 courses are invited to the meeting.
Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 886 6637 9909
Password: 120105
We are waiting for you at the workshop!