Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Consolidated universities rating of Ukraine 2022

Consolidated rating of higher education institutions of Ukraine in 2022

The educational information resource ” ” compiled a consolidated ranking of higher education institutions of Ukraine in 2022 .

KPI named after Ihor Sikorsky confidently takes the SECOND place, and is also recognized as the BEST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY of Ukraine.

The most authoritative national ratings of educational institutions of Ukraine among experts and mass media were used as the initial data for compiling a consolidated rating of higher education institutions of Ukraine: “Top-200 Ukraine” , “Scopus” and “Bal ZNO per contract” , each of which uses different evaluation criteria of higher educational institutions.

The obtained generalized rating summarizes the rating places of educational institutions according to the version “Top-200 Ukraine” , “Scopus” and “Bal ZNO per contract” . These ratings reflect the following information:

“TOP-200 Ukraine” — the basic principle of university ranking in the rating is to ensure full openness, transparency and independence of university ranking . Open data of direct measurements posted on open web resources of independent national and international organizations and institutions were used to compile the rating.

Scopus rating — the results of the rating of higher educational institutions are based on the indicators of the Scopus database , which is a tool for tracking the citations of scientific articles published by the educational institution or its employees in scientific publications. In the rating table, higher educational institutions of Ukraine are ranked according to the Hirsch index – a quantitative indicator based on the number of scientific publications and the number of citations of these publications.

Rating “External examination score for the contract” — rating of higher education institutions based on the average score of the external examination of applicants of the previous year, who were enrolled in universities for studies at the expense of individuals and legal entities (contract).

You can familiarize yourself with the rating and additional materials by following the link . See last year’s rating at this link .

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we hold the educational and scientific front!

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As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education