Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Graduates of the department improve the educational program

Graduates of the department improve the educational program

Graduates of the Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drives continue to contribute to the improvement of the educational program for bachelors. Thus, on April 17, 2022, the guarantor of the educational program “Electromechanical systems of automation, electric drive and electric mobility” Serhii Buryan held an online meeting with the graduate of the department Yevhenii Terletskyi. Yevhenii currently lives in Canada and works for Tesla.

During the meeting, Yevgeny talked about his studies and work abroad. The graduate spoke about the current requirements for the training of applicants in the field of “Automation”. This direction is an integral part of the educational program for bachelors at our department. Current areas of work for graduates who wish to further engage in automation are considered. During the meeting, the parties raised questions about modern software, which is widely used at industrial enterprises abroad.

At the meeting, the parties agreed on the program of an online seminar for winners of groups EP-p11, EP-01 and EP-02 within the educational component “Automation Systems-1”. By agreement, the online seminar will be held on April 18, 2022 at 12:20 p.m. via the link

Yevgeny also expressed support for the educational program and provided some recommendations for its improvement. In particular, he advised focusing on learning the ST programming language for PLCs and SCADA systems. In addition, our graduate emphasized the desirability of introducing the study of object-oriented programming. In senior years, in his opinion, time should be allocated to study databases. All this knowledge is very relevant at the current stage of development of electromechanical automated systems.

According to Yevgeny, having acquired this knowledge, graduates of the Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drives will significantly increase their chances of receiving interesting job offers, including abroad.

The department thanks Yevgeny for supporting the educational program and hopes for further interesting cooperation!

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As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education