Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Volkswagen electric vehicles with reverse charging

Volkswagen Electric Vehicles Will Be Able To Supply Energy To Homes

Following the results of yesterday’s Volkswagen event, it became known that since 2023, the production of a unified prismatic battery cell has been established, which by the end of the decade will be registered in 80% of the concern’s electric vehicles. The latter, as specified, will be able to give a charge in the opposite direction. Volkswagen will also offer autonomous charging stations without a network connection.

As the Verge resource explains, all electric vehicles created since 2022 on the MEB platform will be able to transmit electricity to external consumers. This means that owners will be able not only to power power tools or household appliances from them when traveling to nature, but also to provide electricity to their own homes in case of power outages. Elon Musk recently announced that the Tesla Cybertruck electric pickup truck will be able to power the trailer from its traction batteries. Interestingly, when operating existing models of Tesla electric vehicles, a standard 12-volt battery in combination with an inverter has to be used as a power supply source, and such a connection is not enough for a long time, while the company does not recognize a battery failure as a warranty case as a result of such treatment.

Representatives of Volkswagen, in turn, added that the company will offer not only stationary charging systems, but also mobile ones. In fact, they can be compared in principle with external batteries for smartphones – they can work without a permanent connection to the power grid. A robotic version of the charging station equipped with a special manipulator has also been developed. Most likely, such solutions will be in demand after switching to autopilot, when electric vehicles will be able to visit charging stations themselves.

As a result of the event, it also became clear that Volkswagen’s efforts to increase the independent production of traction batteries in tandem with Northvolt do not mean abandoning the purchase of batteries on the side. The group will continue to buy batteries from LG Energy Solution, SK Innovation, CATL and Samsung SDI. In the longer term, investments in QuantumScape, a developer of solid – state electrolyte batteries that will increase capacity by 80%, double the charge storage density, and prove safer to operate, should bear fruit.

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2022/2023 academic year

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on the budget: 130.


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