Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Aptera electric vehicles with solar panels

Aptera announces 7,000 reservations for solar electric car

American company Aptera Motors has closed a фінансування 4 million Series A funding round and reports more than 7,000 bookings received for its prototype solar-powered three-wheeled electric car, which is available for pre-order from December 2020.

Among the investors in the funding round, California-based producer Sandy Munro of Munro & Associates stands out, which, among other things, wants to support Aptera in production. The Aptera of the same name is a solar-powered electric car that is advertised as having a range of up to 1,600 km (1,000 Mi) and, as indicated, consists of four main parts. Earlier it was mentioned about the technical characteristics known at the time when the car was introduced:

  • 180 small solar panels with a total area of more than 3 square meters;
  • the frontal resistance coefficient is only 0.13;
  • a variant of the front drive from two wheels or a four-wheel drive from three wheels;
  • acceleration time from zero to 100 km / h to 3.5 s;
  • the maximum speed is 177 km/h.;
  • different variants of the installed batteries, which are sufficient to travel from 965 km to 1600 km.

Aptera says it has combined the latest advances in lightweight construction, aerodynamics, cooling, materials science and technology to develop a futuristic two-seat vehicle, and suggests equipping up to three square meters of the exterior surface with solar cells that can generate energy to travel up to 70 km.

According to the manufacturer, the Aptera will be the first of a series of “eco-friendly cars” that the company plans to offer for private and commercial use in the future. Aptera also announced that it recently moved to a new manufacturing and design venture in San Diego’s Sorrento Valley. The facility is part of a 60,500-square-foot campus and is expected to focus on 3D printing processes, composites, and the development of electricity storage technologies. Aptera says it is already looking for locations to host production facilities.

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