Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

ABB SWAPs maintenance program

ABB launches SWAPs maintenance program

ABB, a partner of our department, presents SWAPs, a maintenance program to achieve maximum productivity, protect equipment, and optimize costs.

This is reported by the electrotechnical magazine with reference to the manufacturer’s website «Electroblues» (electrical engineering news, electrical engineering market).

The program helps you determine when and how to perform maintenance of ABB medium – voltage switchgears and related components such as circuit breakers and protection relays.

Timely and correct maintenance of equipment is vital to improve the safety of operation, ensure reliable power supply and long service life of operational equipment.

Learn more – link.

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As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education