Program “Electromechanical Automation Systems, Electric Drive and Electromobility”,faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics of “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

ABB Scientific and Technical Center at KPI

ABB Scientific and Technical Center at KPI is open!

The Scientific and Technical Center of ABB was opened within the framework of the joint agreement between ABB and NTUU “KPI”, which took place on April 24, 2013, the Laboratory of Automated Electric Drive and Automation Tools was opened at our department (room 413).

Науково-технічний центр АББ в КПІ відкрито!

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Sweden to Ukraine Stefan Gullgren, Deputy Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Swiss Confederation to Ukraine Franz Schneider, director of ABB in Ukraine Dmytro Zhdanov, first vice-rector of NTUU “KPI”, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Yury Yakymenko, director of the Department of Electric Power of the Ministry of Energy were present. and the coal industry of Ukraine Serhiy Mezhennyi, managers and specialists of the structural divisions of “ABB in Ukraine”, professors, teachers and students of KPI.

Науково-технічний центр АББ в КПІ відкрито!

The project has a market value of about UAH 2.5 million. implemented within the framework of the strategic program on corporate social responsibility of ABB in Ukraine.
“The material and technical base of Ukrainian technical universities needs a qualitative update, for which very often there are not enough funds. In addition, future engineers need to work “live” with technologies, the knowledge of which will be required in their future workplaces. Therefore, we started a project to create training centers in leading technological universities,” said Dmytro Zhdanov, director of ABB in Ukraine.
Thus, he added, the company is making a long-term investment in Ukrainian energy and industry, in particular, training a qualified personnel reserve for target market segments. Such a statement has a fairly stable basis, because more than 60% of ABB employees in Ukraine are graduates of NTUU “KPI”.
As Oleksandr Yandulskyi, dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Automation of NTUU “KPI”, said such training centers are the best help to technical universities that companies operating on the Ukrainian market can provide. “Trial training classes in the center will be held in the near future, and it will be fully operational from the next academic year, when our researchers will undergo all the necessary trainings of the ABB corporate university,” he promised.
The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Sweden to Ukraine Stefan Gullgren, as well as the Deputy Head of the Mission of the Embassy of Switzerland in Ukraine Franz Schneider also told the audience about the benefits of cooperation between business and science.
On behalf of the government, Serhiy Mezhennyi, director of the Department of Electric Power of the Ministry of Energy and Coal, spoke, who noted the successful operation of ABB products in the energy system of Ukraine and expressed confidence that the newly created center will help in the training of engineering and technical personnel of state-owned companies.
The educational and technical center at KPI consists of four educational laboratories, of which three were presented to the general public:

– laboratory of high-voltage and medium-voltage equipment for electricity distribution;

– equipment laboratory for relay protection and automation of electrotechnical systems;

– laboratory of electric drives and automation tools.

By the way, the latter is a unique symbiosis of technical solutions of ABB and the engineering opinion of KPI scientists. “Such a laboratory is the only one in Ukraine, there are no analogues to it even in Russia, and only a few similar ones exist in Europe,” Serhii Peresada, head of the Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drives of KPI, emphasized.

The equipment is used at most new and modernized facilities of Ukrainian power transmission and energy distribution networks. On the basis of the educational and technical center, future engineers and power engineers will be able to learn how to use such equipment and will not need additional training or retraining. In addition to improving professional skills, the established “iron” allows for a full cycle of training and consulting services for interested Ukrainian companies. Last but not least, the laboratories will become the basis for research work of students, postgraduates and employees of NTUU “KPI”.
According to Oleksandr Yandulskyi, dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Automation, only two educational and technical centers of this level have been opened in the world to date: one in the USA at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the other at one of the European technical universities. From now on, there is also a third one – at NTUU “KPI”.
The open laboratory will allow to improve the quality of training of students of our department due to their acquisition of skills in working with modern electrical equipment, as well as to train engineers of Ukrainian enterprises that operate ABB equipment at their enterprises.

Video recording of the speech of the head of the department of AEMS-EP Peresada S.M. at the opening of the laboratory

Науково-технічний центр АББ в КПІ відкрито!

Guests of honor at the opening of the laboratory

Науково-технічний центр АББ в КПІ відкрито!

ABB-Ukraine manager O.I. Raichuk demonstrates to journalists the operation of laboratory equipment

Науково-технічний центр АББ в КПІ відкрито! Пересада Печеник

From left to right, Professor Pechenyk M.V., Head of the Department of AEMS-EP Peresada S.M. and the head of the electric drive department of ABB Ukraine Khropachev G.I. at the opening of the laboratory

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As result of 1 semester

2022/2023 academic year

Total students: 137,
on the budget: 130.


Center for International Education