S. E. Lyashevskyi at the conference of the AEMS-ED department
E. Lyashevskyi – a professor, an outstanding scientist and a world-renowned expert in the field of electromechanical systems and nanotechnologies visited the Department of AEMS-EP.
On August 29, 2011, an open scientific seminar was held.
On August 29, 2011, an open scientific seminar of the Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drive was held with the participation of scientists from the Departments of Electromechanics, Renewable Energy Sources and Theoretical Electrical Engineering of NTUU “KPI” and the Institutes of Electrodynamics and Modeling Problems in Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, a total of 31 participants (of them 2 corresponding members of NASU and APN, 7 Ph.D. (5 professors and 2 associate researchers), 16 Ph.D. (13 associate professors)). A world-renowned specialist in this field, a professor at the University of Rochester, New York, USA , editor-in-chief of the encyclopedia of nanotechnology, a graduate of the Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drives of NTUU “KPI” made a speech at the seminar on the topic “Development trends of electromechanical systems and nanotechnologies” Serhiy Eduardovych Lyashevskyi. Dr. Lyashevskyi also familiarized the participants of the seminar with the peculiarities of the organization of the education and science system in the USA. The teaching staff of the AEMS-ED department sincerely thanks Professor Lyashevskyi for a meaningful and highly professional presentation, as well as the participants of the seminar for a fruitful discussion. At the end of the seminar, the participants inspected the newly created laboratories of the AEMS-ED department in the field of modern electric drive control systems.
Brief biographical reference. Sergey Edward Lyshevski was born in Kyiv. He received a diploma of an electrical engineer (1980) and a scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the field of electrical engineering (1987) at the Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drives at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. From 1980 to 1993, Dr. Lyashevskyi worked at the Electrical Engineering Faculty of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drives) and at the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. From 1989 to 1993, he was the head of the department of microelectronic and electromechanical systems at the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. From 1993 to 2002, he worked at the technical faculty of Purdue University (USA) as an associate professor in the field of electrical and computer engineering. In 2002, Dr. Lyashevsky began working as a professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology (USA) in the field of electrical engineering. Dr. Lyashevsky is also a full professor at the US Air Force Research Laboratories and Naval Research Centers.
Professor Lyashevsky is the author of 14 books. He has published more than 300 journal articles, textbook chapters, and conference papers. His current research and teaching activities include the fields of electromechanical and electronic systems, micro- and nanosystems, intelligent systems, and molecular processes. Dr. Lyashevsky made significant contributions to the development and implementation of various systems for aerospace and electromechanical systems.

Participants of the international conference
In the photo: participants of the seminar. In the first row (from left to right) Assoc. M. Ya. Ostroverkhov, Assoc. I.O. Kovalenko, Assoc. V. I. Teryaev, Deputy. dean of FEA Chumak V.V., head Department of Electromechanics V.F. Shinkarenko, prof. S.E. Lyashevskyi, prof. Kudin V.F., head Department of AEMS-EP Peresada S.M., Head Department of Electrical Engineering, corresponding member of NASU A. Shcherba, prof. S.O. Shmatok, head Department of the Institute of Modeling Problems in Energy, Corresponding Member of the APN of Ukraine A.F. Verlan.

Professor Lyashevsky S.E. during the seminar and teachers of the department S.S. Dymko, M.V. Pushkar and others

Prof. Lyashevsky S.E. and head Department of AEMS-ED Peresada S.M. during laboratory inspections