ОП “Електромеханічні системи автоматизації, електропривод та електромобільність”, факультет електроенерготехніки та автоматики "КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського"

Maximum power extraction from self-excited induction generators

Maximum power extraction from self-excited induction generators

Maximum power extraction from self-excited induction generators, Electromechanical and energy saving systems, 2014
O.Kiselychnyk, J.Wang, M.Bodson & M.Pushkar

Technologies for voltage control of self-excited induction generators can also be applied for maximum power extraction in specific applications without strict restrictions on the generated frequency and voltage. The main problem in designing such systems is the lack of appropriate theoretical analysis. The paper considers an approach for maximizing the power extracted from self-excited induction generators. It derives formulas for the steady-state generated power and self-excitation boundaries. Since an analytic search for a maximum of the power as a function of capacitance and load admittance is impossible, a numerical approach including 3-D computational and 2-D experimental results is used to show the existence of a global maximum of the power for a specific velocity in the capacitance – load admittance plane and within the self-excitation boundary. Therefore, the method allows one to take into account all possible operating points for this velocity. The implementation of maximum searching algorithms is discussed.
Кeywords: induction generator, self-excitation, maximum extracted power, steady-state power characteristics.

O.Kiselychnyk, J.Wang, M.Bodson & M.Pushkar, “Maximum power extraction from self-excited induction generators,” Electromechanical and energy saving systems, no. 2/2014 (26), pp. 70 – 77.


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