ОП “Електромеханічні системи автоматизації, електропривод та електромобільність”, факультет електроенерготехніки та автоматики "КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського"

Quasi-optimal decentralized astatic automatic control system for asynchronous motor velocity control based on Lyapunov vector functions procedure

Quasi optimal decentralized astatic automatic control system for asynchronous motor velocity control based on Lyapunov vector functions procedure

Quasi optimal decentralized astatic automatic control system for asynchronous motor velocity control based on Lyapunov vector functions procedure (2008) Russian Electrical Engineering, 79 (1)
Kudin, V.F., Kiselichnik, O.I.

A procedure permitting the synthesis of an automatic control system of asynchronous motor velocity controlusing Bellman-Lyapunov functions, as well as methods of decomposition, decentralization, and aggregation and Lyapunov functions has been developed; it has resulted in suboptimal control. The system does not use vector control methods for motor control. Compared with frequency control systems with velocity-closed loops, the proposed system permits us to improve greatly upon the dynamic performances of control quality. The simulation results of system operation are presented.

SciVal Topic Prominence

Topic: Dynamic programming | Reinforcement learning | ADP algorithm

Prominence percentile: 98.463
Engineering controlled terms: Electric frequency controlInduction motorsLyapunov functionsVelocity control
Engineering uncontrolled terms: Asynchronous motor velocity controlBellman-Lyapunov functions
Engineering main heading: Control system analysis


За результатами 1 семестру

2022/2023 навчального року

Всього навчається: 137,
з них на бюджеті: 130.


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